Be yourself on social mediaI am beginning to fear that social media, especially Facebook, is creating a platform for homogeneous thought and community in our world. I have often noticed that when someone disagrees, has a different opinion, or displays displeasure, people just “unfriend” or even go so far as to block the person!

I have even seen a bullying frenzy in streams where when someone does voice a different opinion. They are attacked and called names by the more common mindset group in that stream. I even had it happen to me, I was called a moron for sharing an opinion that differed. Moron is typically not a work used to describe me.

For me, who really believes in diversity of thinking, education, looks, and lifestyle, it’s scary.

Instead of trying to learn and embrace differences in social media by
asking questions of each other and learning to appreciate each other we just aren’t.

Social media could be such a great place to do so but instead we just remove those differences from our stream.

What’s your opinion? Is social media hurting or helping our ability to respect differences? Should it be a place where we could learn to know each other in very different ways