It’s always interesting when you love something and you have to make the decision to let it go. This is true whether it’s a big something like a relationship with a friend or lover, or a little something like your relationship with your morning coffee.

I have been a morning coffee drinker for years. Growing up in Seattle, I will never forget the first time I had a Starbucks espresso. I was in the seventh grade, and our choir was singing at the Seattle Center. Afterwards, we got to hang out for the day and play and have fun. My buddy, Phil and I, decided to go and try this “coffee thing ” that was becoming so popular. We looked at the drink board, and the only thing we could afford is this thing called espresso (you have to remember were 13 years old never heard of this coffee before!) It’s $1.75 and we decide we’re going to share it.

We’re handed this teeny tiny cup! With the smallest amount of coffee you can imagine in it. We both take a sip and choke! Filled it full of sugar and cream, still couldn’t drink it and dumped it.

And I have a huge love for coffee. I love strong coffee, beans ground just before, fresh brewed, and warm creamer in it. I live for that morning cuppa coffee. I love the ritual, the smells, the taste.

Over the years, I learned the love I have for coffee doesn’t serve me well in the relationship. I backed off caffeine because it’s not good for my blood pressure. And the acid in the coffee my stomach doesn’t like, although I found less acidic beans. I also find that it still impacts my energy levels throughout the day. I also love it with  cream which is just wasted calories.

So I’m learning to come at peace with having to let go of something I love. To say goodbye. [Tweet “How do you go about letting go of something that no longer serves you well in the relationship?”]