On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

Over several weeks I have been sharing the traits a successful Warrior-Preneur develops. See, a Warrior-Preneur is the NEXT LEVEL of entrepreneur! Week one HISTORY, week two, DISCIPLINE and this week SEXY!

Now before you get your feathers ruffled, watch the video, then tell me what you think!

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Discipline

Last week I shared with you the first and most important trait of a Warrior-Preneur: History. This week it’s a tough, but powerful one to incorporate into your life: discipline.

Do you have the discipline to do what needs to be done? Where are the areas in your life you need more discipline? How will you remind yourself to do those things?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

The Social Psychology of Social Media: Are you Social?

Want to know your social networking ability and if you are translating it online? Take our assessment and get some feedback from the social psychologist herself!

YES! I will take the Social Networking Ability Questionnaire now!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

Using Social Media to Build Trust: Trust Agents by Chris Brogan

Those of you that read my blog, take classes with me, follow me on Twitter know that I believe the main reason to participate is to build trust and credibility. I teach my clients strategies that increase your opportunity to do just that. On a recent flight I read Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust, by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith. WOW! Take a look at this:

You can pick up the book on Amazon!

Are you interested in making a commitment to a mastermind?

What will you do in 2010 to increase your influence, trust and credibility online?

How can it help your business?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

On Becoming a Warrior Preneur: History

What make s a true Warrior-Preneur? I will cover the traits and characteristics over several blogs. It all starts with HISTORY. Understanding your success depends on understanding those that came before you!

Who do you need to take the time to honor?
Where do you need to go learn?
And how are you creating a unique voice while respecting them?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

On Becoming a Warrior-Preneur: Sexy

Marketing Your Business Online: What’s Holding You Back

In my workshops and social networking and media bootcamps we spend time discussing limiting beliefs. 99.9% of my clients have a mindset that holds them back from marketing and sales success. Do you know what yours is?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”