
Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

Indulging as a Coach

Indulging as a Coach

Indulgence. The beauty of being a coach is being able to fully indulge in the experience of your clients, and people who show up to learn from you even for a moment in time. I recall a fun, intense, and joyous experience learning and growing in the spirit of harmony...

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Great Love Takes Courage

Great Love Takes Courage

It takes courage to allow love and acceptance in your life. Strength to love another more deeply, intensely. See, great love requires that you are willing to suffer great loss. Deep pain. Potentially being hurt or let down. [Tweet "It takes courage to allow love and...

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Making Positive Energy Choices

Making Positive Energy Choices

In everything we choose our energy. Too often we are unconscious of the energetic choices we make. It is quite possible to be conscious and choose to shift and transfer different energy in a situation! Yes you can shift to negative, that's not my goal with you though!...

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Fear of Success or Fear of Failure?

Fear of Success or Fear of Failure?

I often find that more of us are afraid of success over failure. Come on, face it! We fail every day! You say you will exercise don't. Or finish that don't. The list goes on and on! We fail and then we get up the next day, put those big girl...

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