Building Your Self-Worth and BELIEVING

Building Your Self-Worth and BELIEVING

Believing in yourself is the battleDo you believe in your ability? Can you see how a true unwavering belief in your ability can lead to being even more and greater than you thought? Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich, says “whatever your mind can believe, it can achieve.” Believing in your ability to achieve what you want, to create what you dream is the first step.

Maybe you’re stuck in the mindset that you need more education and training? Maybe you even fear that you are not enough?

Self-worth requires that you know you are enough – right now. Often when you feel you are not enough you get caught up in doing things that look like progress. But they are not. Things like continuously downloading webinars, taking another class, reading another book in your field or industry.

In my MasterMind, COMPEL. Speak. Sell we focus on the first of the 5 Frames of a Healthy Bad-Assery Business, which is Vision of Self. You must be willing to work on you to have a successful business.

And working on you means believing in what you already have to offer the world.

I’m not saying don’t continue to learn to develop your abilities. I’m saying believe in your ability right now. What you focus on for success will be different when you do.

What’s Your Opinion: Is Social Media Hurtful or Helpful?

What’s Your Opinion: Is Social Media Hurtful or Helpful?

Be yourself on social mediaI am beginning to fear that social media, especially Facebook, is creating a platform for homogeneous thought and community in our world. I have often noticed that when someone disagrees, has a different opinion, or displays displeasure, people just “unfriend” or even go so far as to block the person!

I have even seen a bullying frenzy in streams where when someone does voice a different opinion. They are attacked and called names by the more common mindset group in that stream. I even had it happen to me, I was called a moron for sharing an opinion that differed. Moron is typically not a work used to describe me.

For me, who really believes in diversity of thinking, education, looks, and lifestyle, it’s scary.

Instead of trying to learn and embrace differences in social media by
asking questions of each other and learning to appreciate each other we just aren’t.

Social media could be such a great place to do so but instead we just remove those differences from our stream.

What’s your opinion? Is social media hurting or helping our ability to respect differences? Should it be a place where we could learn to know each other in very different ways


Self-Worth and Saying NO-Can you do it?

Self-Worth and Saying NO-Can you do it?

NO!One of the most powerful things to work on in developing self-worth, is

understanding the power of the word NO. Initially that may seem so obvious
and simple, yet often people cannot just say NO because they’re afraid of
how people will feel if they do.

Let me give an example:
Recently, I asked someone who seems to be a fan of mine (that might be just
my perception LOL) to attend an event I have coming up. I let her know about
the affordability of the tickets at that time, and sent her a personal email.
What I got back was a NO. Well, not really. What I got back was a long-winded excuse.

The funny thing is that everybody has excuses. And reality is if you really
want what’s being offered, you figure out a way. We all know that. Ever
really liked someone and were determined to try to spend time with them? Of
course! You figured out a way.

But I digress, this is about saying NO. When you have self-worth,  the
ability to say NO is simple. The response is simply thank you. Or, “no I
appreciate the offer though.”

Heck, you could even leave the NO off the last
one! The point is, when you start to explain away why you’re saying no,
you’re actually internally fearful that the person is going to judge you, or
not be happy, or not like you. You’re afraid of some ramifications that you
are placing on that that aren’t necessary.

So practice the word NO. It’s okay, people like you even when you say NO.
Say it with confidence!

Self-Worth and Saying NO-Can you do it?

Self-Worth: the First Step in Having it

IF - owning self-worthSelf-worth

Self-worth comes from being sure of you! I know, that sounds silly, yet it’s the first basic step of truly seeing how infinite and great you are. You must be sure of you. Sure of your thoughts and feelings. Sure of your abilities. Sure of your decisions and choices.

I frequently see people who are not sure. They need someone else to be sure of them, or for them, of their decisions or even their abilities.

They need someone else to be sure so when it goes badly, there’s somebody
else to blame.

Both scenarios above are what I call “other” worth. Needing another to be sure.

See, only you can be sure of YOU. Nothing else. Just you. And with that comes success.

Self-Worth and Saying NO-Can you do it?

Self-Worth and Dealing with Criticism

Unlimited Space and Potential, your self-worth, is limited only by you. Ignore criticismIf you have self-worth you can listen to criticism, hear it, and decide. If you have self-worth you can hear criticism, even when given in a degrading way, and that opinion doesn’t define you.

·         It doesn’t beat you up inside

·         Or keep you awake at night

·         Nor does it make you second-guess yourself

Criticism is everywhere. Family, friends, colleagues…even with the “best intentions” can be critical. And as you go and grow, and step into your unlimited space and potential, critics appear everywhere. Becoming visible, admired, and successful will bring them out. But criticism doesn’t shake your self-worth. If it’s valid you make adjustments and move on. If not, you say thank you and you let it go.

That’s the power of owning your self-worth.

Self-Worth and Saying NO-Can you do it?

Accepting Yourself and Business Success

Self-worth limitlessJung said “The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” This is so critically important to having a successful business of your own. I didn’t realize it until I got personally attacked (well I thought personal, my self-worth needed some work though!).

I love working with entrepreneurs to build their successful businesses! I love seeing them get really clear about what it is that they sell and how to ask for a price that they deserve. I love to teach them how to go about doing that with greater ease.

And then self-worth gets in the way. Which is why I am proud that I have a psychology background and can apply strategies with clients to build self-worth. Lack of self-worth is why you may:

  • Lower your price point
  • Question if you know enough to be considered an expert
  • Feel personally attacked when a critic shows up

It is so critical we are able to move to a place of truly accepting ourselves.

  • Do you fully and completely accept yourself? Can you accept all of your flaws and fears, edges and imperfections?
  • Can you stand completely naked in front of the mirror, alone with just the thoughts in your head?
  • Can you do that and be full of love and acceptance?

That is self-worth!