Failure is an Option

Failure is an Option

Many successful people failFailure…such an interesting word isn’t it? When growing your business, or like, my MasterMind clients who are learning how to say and write about what they do in a compelling way, odds are you might fail in the beginning. Here are a couple things I shared with my Compel. Speak. Sell MasterMind clients:

First, failure is not a bad thing! Many many highly successful people FAIL. The key is your desire to achieve plan A, and your willingness to consciously learn from your failure. We don’t need to redefine failure. (Ask Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan….) We need to own and learn from failure.

Second, it is funny to me how many times I say to a client “stop trying to memorize your presentation” and they STILL do it. Over the years, working with many people here is why I think that is true:

a) they lack confidence in their knowledge, and what it is they REALLY do that builds transformation. They may intuitively know, but not in an organized way. When this is true you struggle with the words, and feel a need to script and memorize. All head, no heart.

b) they lack personal self confidence: they are constantly comparing themselves to others and how they think they SHOULD be or act to have success. Now you memorize because you are trying to BE what you think you should be instead of coming from who you really are (wait, those are the lessons in my book huh?!)

c) they are disguising features as benefits, and when it comes to creating a compelling presentation, speaking from the heart is hard when you do that. When we speak it is the benefits, the promises, the transformation that matters. If you don’t truly know that, you will focus on why you do (features) versus how or why it is beneficial.

Are you able to fail and LEARN? Do you have the correct knowledge to improve what you failed at, or are you just shooting in the dark to improve it?

Storytelling when you Speak: What you MAY be Missing

Storytelling when you Speak: What you MAY be Missing

Speaking to Sell Your ServiceStorytelling when you speak, makes perfect sense doesn’t it! Anyone can tell a story. And many people can tell fun, inspiring, memorable stories. Telling a story that does those things AND helps your ideal client become a buyer of your service is a whole new level of storytelling to learn.

I find that many of my clients struggle with this. They have been told how inspiring they are. They have been told how great their stories are. They have been told how funny they are when they speak. And those people are just not buying their offer. That’s because storytelling when you speak to sell is a skill set to learn.

As a matter of fact, I struggled with this strategy in storytelling. But I will tell that story in my blog next week! See telling a story that attracts the buyer, one that allows the ideal client to think: “wow, I need this.” is different. Storytelling when you speak that attracts the buyers to actually give you the money for your program or service is a different kind of storytelling.

This storytelling requires that you strategically think about THE POINT of the story. Many adult learners in an audience are skeptical to begin with. And if you are there as the speaker to teach them something and then you tell a story, they are thinking: “what’s the point?” “Why is she telling me this?”

To make your stories truly powerful tie them to a point that makes sense to the audience. And if you really want to be masterful at telling stories that attract buyers you make the point related to what you sell.

Okay, wait a minute, did that just get a little harder?! This is what I teach my clients to do. Of course t requires that they have organized their knowledge in a way that stories can be tied to a teaching point (knowledge) verses a sales pitch. When ties to a sales pitch, you missed the point!

So consider:

What stories do I want to tell when I’m on stage?

How do those stories wrap up with an important point for my ideal client?

Can I tell one story that I weave throughout my entire presentation that educates the audience, makes the story relatable, and helps potential buyers see value in what I offer?

Can I tell stories that the point directly connects back to a step in my brand resource (I teach what that is in step 2 of COMPEL. Speak. Sell)?

Storytelling when you speak takes some planning. Focus your efforts not just on “great stories”. Ask yourself, why you are telling it and why it matters to the audience…then magic happens!

Storytelling when you Speak: What you MAY be Missing

3 types of Marketing Stories When Speaking to Sell

3 types of storiesThe first step in COMPEL. Speak. Sell. is to build a brand story. It probably doesn’t surprise you that when speaking from the stage, storytelling would be important. As a matter of fact some of you might skip reading this blog because you think you’ve got it down. Being funny, or inspiring isn’t enough if you really want to grow your sales funnel and have more amazing clients. There are important components to storytelling. This blog will cover 3 types of marketing stories to consider.

Of course we want to tell a compelling brand story because:

  • They inspire
  • They ignite
  • They align
  • They create vulnerability
  • And ultimately buyers are attracted to a story.

There are there are marketing critical components of masterful selling from the stage that must be present in your storytelling for it to work. As a matter of fact, if you have been told that you’re extremely inspiring and motivating yet don’t seem to be closing as much as you desire, this may be the common problem.

When you are building a brand story I want you to understand a key marketing concept which is to create vulnerability. Vulnerability is critical because we do business with people we know, like, and trust. That means when crafting a story for when you speak you want it to achieve the marketing goals Stories can help the audience:

1-about our lives so they know us,

2-learn things about our passions so they like us,

3-understand things that show how truly relate-able we (“been through it”) are to our ideal client, so they trust you.

All 3 types of stories are important in order to build vulnerability when you present.

You will need all 3 types of marketing stories; about yourself, your life and your passions, and relate-able stories in order to just inspirational and have sales. Begin by looking at yourself and how you can tell stories that will really matter long term. Then connect the audience with you and your passions.

Next week I will share the ONE component often missing from stories when you want to speak to sell.

Which of the 3 types of marketing stories do you find easiest to tell? Hardest?

Storytelling when you Speak: What you MAY be Missing

5 Steps To Selling

5 steps to selling, make your offer from the stageI have 5 Steps to selling what you do from the stage, more importantly I think they can be leveraged EVERYWHERE. I am excited over the next several weeks  (and maybe even months!) to share with you what these five steps are in a little bit of detail. This way you can start exploring in your own business how you can use speaking as a marketing strategy to grow your business, and more importantly how you can use these steps to earn what you deserve with ease.

I know there are many people that coach you on how to get on stage and speak and sell. What makes my program unique is that I have been a speaker who sells from the stage since the 1990s, and my strategy is based on what’s called BOR, Back of Room. That actually means that you are going to take money in the back of the room once you get off the stage! Don’t you want to have that happen? Honestly, even for high ticket items and packages there is no reason to “sell” a strategy session from the stage! You CAN close!

So what are the five steps to selling when on the stage?

1-Build brand story. Storytelling is one of the most powerful components of speaking. The problem is most entrepreneurs I work with are GREAT inspirational story tellers, not sales story tellers.  There are 2 types of stories you want to strategize, and one CRITICAL component for buyers to be attracted.
2-Organize a brand resource. We all have great services that we want to sell! Many of us feel that what we do is creative, and “different” for people we help. We also feel that MANY people need what we offer. It is how you organize what you do that builds leverage, and credibility. Buyers are more ready when you organize.

3- Create a powerful Brand Promise. Let’s face it people buy from emotional connection. They use logic to rationalize a “no”. So the brand promise is the transformation you create for their lives, their businesses, their relationships, their house. Once you organize your knowledge in step two, be sure to ask yourself: “What promise, or transformation do I create?”
4- Build Brand Sales. Let’s face it we have to have a clear sales strategy, and more importantly we need to be able to own our price point with confidence and clarity. Understand these pieces, as well as how and when to position a offer is critically important!

5-Create Brand Buzz on the Stage. When we get on the stage we want to create so much buzz, that they can’t wait to be a part! And that means that they are coming to the back of the room and handing you a credit card, or a check, or filling out your order form because they are in! There are clear strategies you want to follow every time on stage to make that happen.

Over the next several weeks, and possibly months I’m going to cover these five steps in greater detail. I have also done a video series where I “speak then” – lol! I’d love if as you read this something stands out that you have a question about that you ask me in the comments below so that I can make sure to write a blog about it and give you a shout out!

Storytelling when you Speak: What you MAY be Missing

Rewarding Sales Strategy from the Stage: Why energy matters

5 Mistakes When Speaking to Sell, speaking as a marketing strategy, rewarding sales strategy from the stageIf you want to build a rewarding sales strategy from the stage and actually sell your product immediately (not make a “strategy session” offer and sell them later) energetically there are some things you must do. I’m a big believer in the transfer of energy and that people read energy everywhere whether they’re conscious of it or not! So where when you want to speak to sell where must you consider your energy?

1-Think about your energy related to the service you sell. Do you feel good about the price point? Do you feel confident that you offer value for the price that you are sharing? Would you buy what you sell from someone else at the price point you offer?

If you are willing to confidently and energetically own your price point then when you speak that energy is transferred.  If you are uncomfortable, afraid that people won’t but at that price point, or lack confidence in your service, they FEEL it.

2-Think about your energy when someone else is on stage and selling their product or service. Do you energetically shut down? Do you get angry or frustrated that they are trying to sell you something? Do you go so far as to leave the room when they’re selling?

It’s important to realize that if you shut down when someone else is selling that that means you don’t like sales from the stage. And at the same time you’re trying to learn how to have a rewarding sales strategy from the stage? That is an energetic contradiction. Choosing to buy from someone who sells from the stage is just that, a choice. So if you are choosing no that is perfectly okay. It is more important to realize that this is an opportunity for you to learn. How does the person transfer to their offer? Energetically, what are they like? How are they making their offer special so people are interested? How are they closing it? Take advantage of the opportunity to learn!

3-Think about your energy when you transition onstage to your offer. Does it shift? Do you take a deep breath or even sigh? Are you using the language that shows that you are not comfortable with making your offer from the stage?

This is the one place when I coach clients and watch them on stage that I see a transfer and energy over and over. The first two points are critical to shifting. If you don’t feel good about your price point your energy will shift and if you shut down when others are selling to you as an audience member you will your energy will shut down here as well.

If you want a rewarding sales strategy from the stage consider your energy. Where might you need to shift?

Storytelling when you Speak: What you MAY be Missing

Make Your Offer from the Stage: 3 Tips

make your offer from the stageWhen speaking to sell, the question I am most frequently asked is: “How so I actually make my offer from the stage Ann?” I wish the answer was so simple! Actually though, sharing your offer, and when you do it starts WAY before presenting! These three tips will help to make you more comfortable make your offer from the stage.

1: Have your offer written out on paper and in your handout that you share with the audience. I know this may seem old school to bring a handout! When you do this you achieve several things: A) they have a place to take notes b) psychologically they understand you are in business and have an offer c) they take notes home with them d) they take home your offer and contact info then too!
2: Be sure that when you present you share that you are teaching “from your resource”. Service based professional and especially creative entrepreneurs are often challenged by this because you think YOU are the resource. I said “teach FROM the resource”. What do I mean by that? If you’re going to share three tips to building better relationships because you are a relationship coach when talking about it say “these three tips I teach in my coaching program and I’m going to give you some insights into them today.” I often say: “In my mastermind Compel. Speak. Sell. I have 5 Steps to Selling your Program and today I am going to dive into step 2, how to organize your service so it sells with ease.”

3: When sharing your offer it is incredibly important that you are just as energetically committed to what you say as you were in your presentation! Too often there will be a big breath and a change in energy when you go to make that offer. You need to feel good about it when you present it so energetically it feels right for the audience. Practice this!
In addition a bonus tip for you is to make sure that you are using inclusive language versus language that will deter them. Instead of saying “if you are ready” say “I invite you to come talk to me about your interest in the program.” Or “this program is for you if…”

Oh I could go on and on! Well, I do of course in my Mastermind! Start by learning the 5 steps to being a compelling speaker and sells!