Use Your Heart not Your Head to Transcend

Use Your Heart not Your Head to Transcend

Feel your heartTranscendence is an important part of success. It’s about getting to the next level and not reverting back to old habits. It’s about realizing you are truly ready. It is ultimately about NEVER going back. One of the things that I work on and MasterMind with my clients is how to transcend from the head to the heart. Most people think the head is a good thing! And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be smart, and savvy and an expert at what you do! That’s GREAT “head” stuff. I am saying there are parts of your mind that stop next level success.

What I am saying is that your heart holds the power to get you to where you truly want to be. It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart if you truly want to transcend. I’m sure you have heard people say “listen to your heart and decide.” Heck, I say it all the time!

See, your head will replay old stories that keep you stuck. Your heart will forgive you and move on.

Your head worries. Your heart finds peace.

Your head debates the issues. Your heart says this is the right choice.

Your head talks you out of things. Your heart enlightens you to the path.

Your head disconnects. Your heart engages.

This was one of the most important and pivotal steps toward my ability to transcend and never go back to habits and ways that stopped me. It will be for you as well. You have to tell your mind to get out of your way! Breathe deeply, close the brain, and feel your heart. It will never steer you wrong.

The Influence Factor: Building your TRUTH

The Influence Factor: Building your TRUTH

The first element in my book The Influence Factor is all about knowing your truth. You did take the assessment, correct? So now you understand which element you need to most work on? In the book I give you strong information on how to truly know and own your story.

But knowing your truth is more than just your story. Trust me, a story doesn’t have to be something dramatic, or sad. It’s really about understanding who you are and where you come from and why it matters toward your future. It’s about changing the mental chemistry you have engrained into your mind about your life, and transforming it into passion, love, abundance, influence.

Knowing your truth is also about getting honest with yourself. I find with many of my clients they hide from being visible because of this factor, and honestly they’re not even aware they’re doing it![divider style=”7″][optin_box style=”12″ alignment=”center” email_field=”inf_field_Email” email_default=”Enter your email address” integration_type=”infusionsoft” double_optin=”Y” list=”47″ name_field=”inf_field_FirstName” name_default=”Enter your first name” name_required=”Y” action_page=”″][optin_box_hidden][/optin_box_hidden][optin_box_field name=”headline”]Are You Ready to Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs?[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”paragraph”]PHA+RmluZCBvdXQgYWJvdXQgQW5uJ3MgbGltaXRpbmcgYmVsaWVmIGFuZCBob3cgdG8gb3ZlcmNvbWUgeW91cnMgd2l0aCB0aGlzIGZyZWUgYXVkaW8uPC9wPgo=[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”privacy”]We value your privacy and would never spam you[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”top_color”]undefined[/optin_box_field][optin_box_button type=”0″ button_below=”Y”]Get Instant Access![/optin_box_button] [/optin_box][divider style=”8″]So it’s time, get honest. With:

  • what you say you’ll do and what you actually do
  • your unlimited space and potential
  • what you truly are an expert at and what you’re not
  • what matters most in your life and living those values
  • what you need to start saying no to.

It might sound simple, but is it. No. It takes courage and strength to get real with yourself. I have faith warrior.

The Influence Factor: Building your TRUTH

Why Fear of Success Won’t stop Me

Overcoming Being Scared , element 2 in my book “The Influence Factor” is probably one of the most important and powerful things we can do to be successful in our businesses. What I find as I listen to my
clients more and more, it isn’t fear of failure it’s fear of success that paralyzes them and keeps them from truly stepping in to their greatness.

Hell, most of us have failed 1 million times and we still get up and keep going! What is it then about success that can move us into that phase of truly being scared, like I talk about in my first book The Influence Factor?

Why is it that every limiting belief we can possibly have comes up when we are stepping into that next phase of greatness?

For example I recently relaunched my own stage!

BOOM! Totally excited to step into greatness and be visible again!

That the wasn’t scary for me. I’m ready, made the commitment, visualizing what I want in the room, all of the goodness that goes into making that happen. Then I got the marketing done as my “90 Day Market your Event Plan”  tells all of my clients to do. I put the event online and got ready to email everybody to get them to sign up. My visualization is to have 100 people in the room. I am ready!!

As soon as I sent that email fear overcame me.

That moment of “what if I only get 10 people? What if nobody signs up?” All of those limiting beliefs are only stopping me from keeping on the goal of greatness that I desire. The success I desire. Those fears paralyze success.

You must wipe them from your mind and stick to the success you want. You must realize that unconditional self-love is required to have the success you desire. You must realize that no matter how many people sign up you will give a wildly successful event.

And honestly if only 10 sign-up will I still sell a large portion of the room and have a fabulous day? Absolutely!

So why do you allow your limiting beliefs to become the hamper that stops you from success?

[optin_box style=”8″ alignment=”center” email_field=”inf_field_Email” email_default=”Enter your email address” integration_type=”infusionsoft” double_optin=”Y” list=”47″ name_field=”inf_field_FirstName” name_default=”Enter your first name” name_required=”Y” action_page=”″][optin_box_hidden][/optin_box_hidden][optin_box_field name=”headline”]Find out Ann’s LImiting Belief[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”paragraph”]PHA+R2V0IHRoaXMgZnJlZSBhdWRpbyBhbmQgc3RhcnQgb3ZlcmNvbWluZyB5b3VyIGxpbWl0aW5nIGJlbGllZnMgcmlnaHQgYXdheS48L3A+Cg==[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”privacy”]We value your privacy and would never spam you[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”top_color”]undefined[/optin_box_field][optin_box_button type=”0″ button_below=”Y”]Get the Audio Now[/optin_box_button] [/optin_box]

Social Media and Time Management: 4 tips for Effective Success

Social Media and Time Management: 4 tips for Effective Success

Is time management an issue for you?  In a recent blog post on social media and ROI, Candace Davenport of Our Little Books asked some fabulous questions: “Is there a point where it is better to use someone like a VA to do your SM stuff (not exclusively of course, but the main postings that don’t actually require direct connection) and do you use someone like Jan to do so? It would seem, if people start having numerous pages that at a point, either SM takes over or the quality goes down. Maybe future blog posts?”

I absolutely believe that there are ways to manage your time effectively when using social media as a marketing tool! And, there is one place that I believe you cannot outsource your social media! This is when it comes to actually developing the content to ensure that it represents you’re calling, your values, your voice. Even when I work with larger companies like BMW Concord located in the East Bay of California they have learned, even the hard way the importance of this. Even when you have a team of people in your company willing to participate in social media marketing,  consistency in the voice and message is very important and it needs to match the flavor and feel when the customer shows up! Only you can create that voice in your marketing content.

Once you have created content there are great ways to get help and support and making sure you consistently post fresh information. Fresh information is critical in social media!

1-Work to expand the current content you already have. I find with many of my clients they don’t realize they already have content that can be reused and repurposed in multiple ways for social media marketing. Have a staff person or a virtual assistant work to pull tidbits out of your blog, your newsletters, your radio shows, and places you’ve already posted so that you can reuse it in social media.

2-Write  your content to different buying styles. This is one of the most powerful ways to get more bang for your buck just by taking the content and repurpose it to different buying styles.  This has the potential to quadruple your content to post! This is e primary service I do for my clients, they just have to get fist draft to me (so it’s in their voice) and I work my magic!

3-Use schedulers! Yes this still requires your time to get them scheduled once your content is written but they save you the hassle of having to remember to post. Go in once a week and schedule your posts for the entire week. I recommend Post Planner for Facebook and Twaitter (Twitter scheduler) or HootSuite (great for for Twitter and LinkedIn).

4-Hire people who will post and stay on top of FRESH and CONSISTENT posting! I actually have a team member do mine! (And I have team members who can do it for you! We post up to 2 accts, 3 times a day/7 days on Twitter and 2 times a day 5 days a week on Facebook for as little as $50 a month!) Then all you need to do is be YOU and engage!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Social Media and Time Management: 4 tips for Effective Success

Reputation Management: Paying Attention to the Positive

Whether you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or not, you have to look at how you manage WHAT is said about you, and how it affects your business. I recently heard a participant in a seminar tell the people at her table that she LOVES her Facebook Business page over Yelp because if someone says something negative she has the power to REMOVE it and “make it go away” and she can’t do that on Yelp! Social Media is about MANAGING the conversations, not MAKING THEM GO AWAY.

If you delete that post, trust me they will post it elsewhere. And it will probably be even more negative.

The IBM CIO recently said: “We have entered the age of the smarter consumer.” Deleting their complaint isn’t smart. (We talk more about this in our reputation management session in the So Me Insights tele-series and you can get the recordings if you missed the call series).

Here is the other thing: NOT having an account on one of these sites doesn’t mean they are not talking about you or your brand. It just means YOU are not a part of the conversation!

Here is the most interesting part: most of it will be positive and you STILL won’t be a part! You WANT to be a part of managing the positive things said about your business online. Those people help you achieve the goal of the SNCC way:

2-raving fans
3-referral sources
4-press…. (oh you know what we teach!)

Your accounts matter. It localizes what is said on different sites. And you want to monitor and manage because how you respond is what makes the difference!

These are just a few tips to get you started in managing the positive (and rarely negative) comments! Do you have a reputation management strategy you love?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Social Media and Time Management: 4 tips for Effective Success

Productivity and Social Media Strategy: 3 tips from Ann Evanston

I was asked to talk about productivity and social media in order to increase profits at the US Small Business Conference in the San Francisco Bay area.  As I thought about this subject I realized that most people think that productivity comes from having a tool that will speed up and or organize what they do. While this is not completely untrue, tools can help greatly, I think that productivity in social media starts with WHAT before HOW to be successful.

There are several things that I teach my clients about productivity with their social media strategy. Here are 3 tips of several I will share in my presentation.

1-Develop and use an editorial calendar. This helps you strategize launches, what you need to educate about prior to a sale or”push” for events or ebook. Considering what it I call the “social media funnel” is critical for that success. How you move and “funnel” friends and followers from social media, to your blog, to your newsletter and back plays into what you have on your editorial  calendar. Planning this saves considerable time.
2-Have five core themes that are based on your brand that you can continuously write content to. These core themes allow you to focus content, gather relevant relate able information,  and writing of your content. Having these themes also helps your mind to focus and write. Also relate your themes to your editorial calendar.
3-Plan to repeat and repurpose your content. Most entrepreneurs are killing a tremendous amount of time trying to come up with new content to post on their social media every day. If you build a system of great tips and insights that will help your customers and then rewrite each tip to the 4 Warrior buying styles and preferences your content will go further than ever before. If you repurpose the same content for eBooks, article submissions and video, you have reached even more potential customers.

These are just a few of the strategies I will share- you can access the handout and powerpoint presentation for more though!!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”