Often when businesses start a blog they are all business, and then at some point you hit the “freak out” meter and start to wonder how many times can you write about that topic! And if you keep writing about it, will they really need to hire you? Content seems to be a BIG challenge of business bloggers! (Now granted, if you blog as a mom, or as a person on a journey, hopefully it never ends, so my focus is on Business Bloggers here, these ideas could still help). See, when you don’t post regularly, you miss opportunity. Opportunity with potential customers, opportunity with search engines.

Here are three ideas to increase the content you write about, blog more often and increase your audience:

  1. subscribe to several competitors blogs, read what they write about. I will bet it allows you to form your own opinions and write from your point of view. Pull articles out of magazines you read that inspire you and write your opinion.
  2. combine your passions and your life with your work. Write down 5 things that you love to do personally and then think about how they relate to what you do in your business and write a blog. (I do this all the time, a couple examples: Persistence and BEcoming MORE Authentic)
  3. create an editorial calendar. On your calendar for the YEAR write out topics you’d like to blog about EVERY week. This gets your brain processing and thinking about what to write.

Remember, the more you give when you blog, the more fabulous your potential customers know you are. And then they think: “wow imagine what I will get if I pay!” On the Social Networking Coaching Club I teach you unique way ways to stand out, and create powerful blogs that DRIVE business results.

What creative way do you keep the blog ideas flowing?

Ann’s Social Networking Coaching Club, lifetime membership is now just $499 and you pay it off in ten months but get access to her right away! Contact Ann Evanston to learn why it’s a smart business investment for you!


Ann Evanston, MA, has been named by About.com as one of the Top Six Marketing Consultants, Feb 2011, and recognized in the Huffington Postfor her unique approach in using Facebook to increase profits though giving. In October 2008 Ann created the Social Networking Coaching Club, a forum where you get personalized support to learn how to “discover your REAL edge” and make more online in less time with integrity.