As Facebook continues to make changes, branding what you do with who you are has become more and more difficult, from your profile. It used to be easy from your profile to post links to your blog, twitter etc, that were easily accessible (on the left column) as well as your tagline or pull statement (what I teach my clients on the Social Networking Coaching Club, attraction marketing). Now those have been buried on the info tab. You cannot even post your page(s) as favorites any longer and the link to your business at the top is their “community page” not what you want people liking! These changes definitely require that you are more “Guerrilla” in your approach. You have to be careful not to be overly pushy because you turn off friends and family. Here are 5 suggestions I suggest right now (strategies change as technologies change) to utilize on your profile on Facebook to support your business:
1.    Have a business page and market from there. It only makes sense, first as it is fully index-able to search engines.
2.    Share your business page(s) as links once a week and ask friends if they will “LIKE” your page. Do this in a creative way that captures their attention.
3.    Grow to the “5000” more aggressively. Tell people why you want to friend them, as your info page isn’t clear anymore. You can always unfriend dead relationships later. This is important because some people are not as familiar with pages as you would think.
4.    Create LISTS of those friends to “categorize the relationship”. Then you can post info from your wall just to them.
5.    Be an amazing relationship builder and go-giver. Post on friends’ status updates, comment on their links. Get to know them. The more you do the more likely they will with you.
6.    Offer attention grabbing, interesting education based tips and tools that align with your brand. Tease friends to come over and join the discussion.
7.    Don’t post on your profile what you post on your page.
8.    Share your blog on your page and ask friends to please come over and leave a comment on it.
9.    Lastly, use Hyper Alerts to “notify” you of updates on your page so you can be responsive.

Are you using a technique that helps drive more “likers” to your business page that is Guerrilla and FREE?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”