So I have been working on this challenge 5 days now; thought I’d share what happened to me while in San Diego. The book concept is actually coming along!

Wednesday night I sat in the bar at the Hilton San Diego with the intent of having a drink and READING, yes reading, my book! I love to read; it relaxes me and usually takes my mind off all the responsibilities I have. I started to read but this challenge popped into my mind AGAIN! This time it wasn’t limiting beliefs though, it was ideas about the book! (happy dance!) So I took pen to pad and wrote a few ideas down as I did not want to lose them. Back to book, back to pad…
A man sat next to me (pretty much what is in hotel bars these days, that stereotype isn’t gone). He ordered food and a drink and left me alone. When his food arrived it smelled SO GOOD I had to say “that smells SO GOOD”. (Let the conversation begin!) As we spoke about work and travel and how good kids have it in this country, somehow this 30 day challenge came up. As we spoke I realized even further the power of what I started writing about yesterday –our voice and how our story creates it if we own it. Wow, maybe I am onto something.
I realize that leading people, growing a business, having the success you want in life comes from finding knowing and OWNING your voice. Many might know it but do they own it? Own it to a point where they realize that it’s not about what others think. See the right people will love and honor who you really are. It’s the cornerstone to consistent success,to creating a clan, to inspiring others to follow you.

If you’d like to read the earlier entries 30 day challenge part one and 30 day challenge part 2

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”