Becoming INfluential is a journey, not an event. And success requires more than just focusing on ONE THING. Years ago, I remember seeing Laurel Langmeyer speak. She said: “your house must be in order, if you want to be successful as a work from home entrepreneur.” She proceeded to talk about the importance of home organization, when do you do your laundry? Are the piles organized, and out of your way? How have you organized your children when you work? A sound argument that home gets in the way when working from home! That the things in your home can get away from your success in your business.

I have realized that in order to be your most INfluential business self, you must be willing to take the journey from with in. Your six core influencers of your life and the balance of those core influencers in your life, will ultimately lead to greater success in any thing you want, including a successful business. That is what my course, Vision of Your Influential Self will teach you.
So when I hear: “your house must be in order, if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur,” I hear that you must work on these influencers in your life to create the balance you need to be successful. In graduate school I developed a program regarding these influencers, and have had the honor of working with abused teems, high achieving women, corporate leaders, even entrepreneurs to develop their most influential self.

For example, one of the six core influencers is related to health. Over some struggles in my personal life my health was out of control. I was 35 pounds overweight, tired, depressed, and not taking care of myself. My business was affected by that. As a matter of fact one of the other six core influencers in your life is career!

To be influential you must understand the six core influencers and work on them

To be influential you must understand the six core influencers and work on them

Becoming the vision of your most influential self requires that you look with in. It’s a willingness to understand that you become the best you and all areas of your life when you do not neglect any of them. Over the next few weeks I will share these core influencers and give you ideas about how to work on them to become your most influential self.

For right now, are you looking within? Are you wanting to become your most influential self?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”