Speaking to Sell Your ServiceSpeaking to sell your service is a WONDERFUL marketing strategy to get clients! I will never forget being invited to speak on Rick Frishman’s Author University 101 stage. At the time, I was running my coaching programs and happy doing so. I was “rusty” on stage. Well, I wasn’t rusty as a speaker, I was rusty on utilizing the 5 Steps to sell my coaching program on stage. I got up and gave a WOW presentation: TONs of engagement, laughter, participation, applause. People coming to me after wanting pictures with me, telling me how powerful my presentation was…

And I did not close one client.

My cost to travel, stay at the hotel, eat…oh you know, well that expense wasn’t even covered. I did not follow ALL 5 steps. I missed as a matter of fact the most important one: Brand Service.

Oh sure I talked about WHAT I do for my clients. I educated the heck out of them! lol! But not in an organized way to help them know what they were buying.

Have you done that? When speaking to sell your service have you: shared everything, been told how inspiring you are, and not sold a thing? I know, some may say be grateful to speak on such an amazing stage! Sure, absolutely!

But it was general knowledge. Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich says: “General knowledge, no matter how great in quantity it may be, is but of little use in the accumulation of money.” and money is the test that your plan is actually working.

When speaking to sell your service implement these 5 steps EVERY TIME

I never forget these steps now. I recently closed 10,000 from a 5 minute gig, just by utilizing the plan. You can do it too.
I had to recommit to the 5 Steps which are:

•Step 1: Brand Story- Vulnerability leads Success
•Step 2: Brand Service- Organize the Knowledge
•Step 3: Brand Promise- Transformation that Sells
•Step 4: Brand Sales- Earning from Your Promise
•Step 5: Brand Buzz- Taking it On Stage

In COMPEL. Speak. Sell. I teach you speaking to sell your service with your own business. And Step 2 is truly the key! The new in-person MasterMind starts in July! Interested? Contact me, let’s see how it can transform your business.

Sign up and get the videos which talk about these steps!

I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you gave your heart on stage and not one client signed up. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) in exchange for payment.