make your offer from the stageWhen speaking to sell, the question I am most frequently asked is: “How so I actually make my offer from the stage Ann?” I wish the answer was so simple! Actually though, sharing your offer, and when you do it starts WAY before presenting! These three tips will help to make you more comfortable make your offer from the stage.

1: Have your offer written out on paper and in your handout that you share with the audience. I know this may seem old school to bring a handout! When you do this you achieve several things: A) they have a place to take notes b) psychologically they understand you are in business and have an offer c) they take notes home with them d) they take home your offer and contact info then too!
2: Be sure that when you present you share that you are teaching “from your resource”. Service based professional and especially creative entrepreneurs are often challenged by this because you think YOU are the resource. I said “teach FROM the resource”. What do I mean by that? If you’re going to share three tips to building better relationships because you are a relationship coach when talking about it say “these three tips I teach in my coaching program and I’m going to give you some insights into them today.” I often say: “In my mastermind Compel. Speak. Sell. I have 5 Steps to Selling your Program and today I am going to dive into step 2, how to organize your service so it sells with ease.”

3: When sharing your offer it is incredibly important that you are just as energetically committed to what you say as you were in your presentation! Too often there will be a big breath and a change in energy when you go to make that offer. You need to feel good about it when you present it so energetically it feels right for the audience. Practice this!
In addition a bonus tip for you is to make sure that you are using inclusive language versus language that will deter them. Instead of saying “if you are ready” say “I invite you to come talk to me about your interest in the program.” Or “this program is for you if…”

Oh I could go on and on! Well, I do of course in my Mastermind! Start by learning the 5 steps to being a compelling speaker and sells!