Building a compelling offer can be a challenge. I share with my clients strategies to organize knowledge, to speak, to sell, and the importance of storytelling. A common question I am asked is: “What about stories that are testimonials, Ann?”

Testimonials are great stories, absolutely. Sharing a client’s experience is a great thing! Beware though! If these are the only stories you tell, it could come off as bragging. Now, I think that many people need to brag a little bit more. However testimonial stories are often more appropriate in your sales funnel, on your website, and in your social media.

One testimonial story can be very powerful if used strategically when you speak. It’s the other stories, the personal stories that will create the vulnerability you want to help your buyers make a choice. Testimonial stories don’t do that.

The funny thing is I see “new speakers on the scene” try the testimonial path. They load their presentations with client stories. And initially they have great success. Eventually though the sales fall off. They struggle to close more people when they speak. And they’re not sure what happened.
See, after a while we’ve heard it before. We know that you have people you create success for. Heck, many times those stories all sounds the same…no matter who is on the stage! If I want to buy from you I need to know why you can help me. I want to hear a story about how you understand my needs. My struggles. My challenges.

When building a compelling offer think about personal stories you can tell that help them understand why you are the one they want to work with. That can be much more powerful than just a testimonial.