Blog!What to blog about is a continuous question! It’s probably one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs. You get it. You read my previous blog on the numbers. Intellectually you want to blog. And then you go to write something and the mind goes blank.

That is why in my Confidence and Content Creation program I show people a very easy way to always have content, on a weekly basis. I also show them how to repurpose that same content for bigger visibility online, and how to use it in their automated system.

What do I teach them? There are three ways to think about content:

1. Tell stories. Stories work and connect from a marketing standpoint.

2. Use what I teach to my COMPEL. Speak. Sell MasterMind clients and develop your BBR. Your Bad-Assery Branded Resource is your organized system that you can constantly share information from.

3. Think about what your clients or potential customers ask you about and write those blogs.

I’ll throw in a bonus tip, look at what your competitors write about and do your version of it. What’s really important here, you need to stand out as an expert with an opinion in order to really increase leads and sales. Don’t just regurgitate what other people say. It is though a great way to get ideas, especially if you haven’t developed your BBR as yet!