Some days all I do is cry. I’m crying because I’m scared. Happy. Sad. Angry. Frustrated. In love. Hurt. Elated. Weary. Energized. I cry watching TV. (Yes, even commercials.)

On those days I just keep indulging in the tears. And that’s ok. Some days it’s exactly what I need. 

Being able to emotionally connect and not feel guilty is so powerful for us as women. Too often we hear we are too emotional so we cut off feeling. Feeling, and trusting our feelings is truly feminine power. Besides there is a difference between expressing your feelings and being “emotional.”

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On days I cry, I may look emotional on the outside.  In reality, it is my way of connecting with myself and my vulnerability. It is the energetic expression of my feminine energy. I am feeling. I am being that present in the moment.