Ah the Jury duty summons. 

I remember turning 18 and being so excited about two things that I now had the honor of doing: voting, and serving on a jury! Do you remember that feeling? The enthusiasm and excitement to be a part of your country? To be able to influence and sway decisions in how we live and move in the world?

Fast forward 30 years and the jury summons arrives. Ugh, really? What a disruption in my life! Amazing how the mindset has shifted over time. 

This year I shifted again. I realized that if I was accused I would want a jury who cared. Who saw it as a honor. So I will show up with that mindset.

[Tweet “Be honored to serve in your life.”]

There are probably other areas where I have burnt out, dried up; once saw something as a honor and forgot. I want to re-engage the positive of feeling honored in my life.