Fiona Stolze is a catalyst for what is happening here. I adore her. And her story is awesome.

I asked Fiona to share in her words with you. (And she is not an American, so I LOVE her English answers!)
What inspires you each and every day?

Fiona: “The opportunity in everyone and everything around me to see myself more
clearly and let go what I no longer need. I get inspired through knowing
that everything is being looked after and that my job is to fully be who I
am and express that in all that I do. I get inspired by selflessness of
others and their willingness to boldly step out and go where no man has
gone before 🙂 I get inspired by the growing love in my heart for who I
am and extending that to others. And I get inspired by the divine
perfection of everything in the eternal now. My greatest love is coming
home to who I am.

What part of your life did you once assume was ordinary that you have found
inspires others?

Fiona: “I went through most of my life believing I was totally ordinary and didn’t
think I had anything of value to offer. As events unfolded and I moved
through many deep experiences that allowed me to see my true nature, I was
surprised to discover that people liked listening to my voice. And it took
a lot of coaxing to bring it out of the closet and start freely sharing it
with others in both sound and written word. I now make videos, interview
people, write extensively and do blogtalkradio giving spiritual guidance
to others. When I received feedback about the impact I was having on
others, I realised that it was something that had little to do with me.
Knowing that it came from a space deep within allowed me to stay in a
space of humility and let it flow without touching it. The same applies to
my artwork.

What is one of the most important lessons you have learned in life?

Fiona: “Not to criticise or judge what wants to be expressed through me. There are
no mistakes in life and everything is in perfect order at all times
whether or not I want to see this. So receiving what moves out from within
and recognising that it comes from a deep place that my mind has not
touched. Receiving with deep gratitude for everything exactly as it comes
without needing to change or resist it in any way. I am exactly where I am
meant to be right now – no mistakes. So just deeply accepting everything
and being with it, regardless of what my mind wants to think up. Those big
ideas that quietly and certainly step in are there to take us to the next
step. Trust is the key.”


1 million ordinarily extraordinary women inspiring! Join our revolution!

I am a professional silk artist who can create your dream yardage, personalised paintings or clothing or teach you to do it yourself. I also hold space for others through interviewing on video, radio or blog. And can give you spiritual guidance. You can contact me at: (all further contact information is on my Contact page)


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”