influential voice, bad-asseryWow it’s amazing when you step into your unlimited space and potential the Bad-Assery opportunities that can happen!

I chose to go completely outside my circle to meet different people and step into a space of greater wealth and attraction than I currently have ( and I do alright by most peoples standards! 6 figures for many years.) and it was amazing. Being around people who are really making it happen, not just hoping for it to happen. Being around people who are stepping to the next level in their businesses and not afraid to invest and make the changes they need to make. Being around people who hear what you’re doing and have a dialogue with you because they are not threatened and you can learn from each other and grow at the same time.

My energy just flowed into space like that it was so exciting to be around. I am the potential that was in that room. I deserve the greatness that was around me.  I saw the next level of Bad-Assery. Amazingly, what has happened for me is I have truly transcended where I was, versus just transforming. That night in my room I cried. I shredded away something that needed to be let go of.

Many of us go to workshops, of events, retreats, or even read books and publications and we feel we transform on some level. We are inspired to change, to do things differently when we get back to work. And then we get back to work and we transform to the way we were before we were at that event.

See for me transformation is like a chameleon you can transform to one way and you can also transform back to the way you were.

It’s time to transcend where you are at. Transcendence means that you can be in the space that you are in yet you are never the same again. I have transcended the space I was in 2013, and I will never go back to the way I was. That is Bad-Assery.

And then it dawned on me that I have always done: shown women how to transcend their space and potential. I was a youth counselor right out of college working with abused and neglected teenage girls, and I know I have transcended their lives. I have worked with pregnant women, women in prisons, I’ve served on leadership boards and committees, and I’ve watched people transcend through a step-by-step process with me, and they have transcended. I have always done this work. And I own that work now.

Are you ready to transcend, to truly be the Bad-Assery you are meant to be? Or do you keep just transforming and then often going back to the old version of yourself that you no longer want to be?