a warrior's journeyA Warrior’s journey starts withIN. My journey, as well as the journey of so many clients I have worked with has LESS to do with what they do and MORE to do with finding themselves. I use a timeline technique with many of my clients to help them look at their lives and how their Warriors journey has created who they are and what might hold them back from their true unlimited space and potential.

When I look back at my journey I realize that being strong versus being vulnerable makes sense. We moved a whole lot when I was a kid. I mean a lot! Like every year until I was in the fifth grade. And then it was sixth-grade, middle school, high school, college, still moving and changing, at a slower pace, granted. But I never had the consistency of familiarity that many have growing up.

For me it just didn’t make sense as a kid to get too close to anyone, because I knew I’d have to move on. That for me built up a strength, a way of protecting myself that made it easier to deal with the situations at hand. But now as an adult often people see it is hard, or unbreakable, or not willing to share.

A warrior’s journey starts by going within and  understanding this.

What’s interesting is that I have a very special relationship in my life now, my husband. And having someone that I can open up with and be myself on such a real level is amazing. He loves every part of me all the edges all the curves all the good all the bad! He made me realize that the more I show of myself the more love there is around. Okay, it’s not like we had a therapy session and he made me realize that, building this relationship has allowed me to realize it in myself!

Now I am working on being more vulnerable, sharing the struggles, the things that scare me…SCAREY and good at the same time…opening up how I feel to others that I used to never let in.

I have started, in my Women, Wine, Wisdom MasterMind, and with clients. The break throughs seem unreal (but that’s another blog).

Do you struggle with vulnerability, have you looked at your life and your introspective journey as to why who you are has created lessons for your life and passion? Might this be true for you?