receive what you deserveDon’t you want to receive what you deserve? I do!

The world is truly an amazing place. I 100% believe in the law of attraction and abundance. Of course I have to put in the action to receive correct?

When you finally get clarity about what the “hell you sell”, and you develop it and organize it in a way that makes sense to others the universe floodgates just open up! I like many of my clients, as a creative, idea generating, intuitive entrepreneur have so many ideas and things that I could sell and can do. But that doesn’t mean I should be!

And having the confidence to truly just draw the line and own what it is you do is the first step to receive what you deserve. Last year was that year for me. I had to create the clarity and confidence in what I do. I had to feel the fear of not selling it easily yet. I had to start saying NO to something that I was good at doing but didn’t passionately love and turn down work that would make me some money but not ultimately fill my passion and desire. And this year I’m stepping out with that true clarity, and guess what? The floodgates are open. Actually in  a half an hour just a couple days ago I received three emails from people wanting to work with me (coaching, closed 2 in 1 to 1 Consultation Calls) and two emails for speaking engagements that are actually paid (not ones where I have to speak for free and then sell back of room)!

Wouldn’t you LOVE that? To receive what you deserve?

It comes with how clear you are in what you do. And here’s the catch:

Most of you think you are clear but that clarity is only in your mind.

The buyers do not see your clarity.

This was my struggle and I would network and speak and was told how inspiring I am and still the sales weren’t coming. That is because until you get clear you do not create cash.

And it is possible for highly creative intuitive service based entrepreneurs like me who love what they do to be clear and still be creative and intuitive! How? You have to organize your knowledge and the ability and experience, that’s the second step. It’s actually pretty simple to do, what I work with in my Confidence and Content Creation program.

What are the 3 steps that transcended my success and I now guide my clients through the process to receive what you deserve?

1-Own what you know and sell–GET REALLY CLEAR

2-Organize what you own and sell in a way that makes sense to your buyers.

3-Share what you do in an organized way when you speak, network or market!

Are you willing to own a process that will allow you to receive what you deserve?

I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you did not own your worth and it stopped you from achieving something in your business. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) in exchange for payment.