Being me. Loving me, embracing me. Learning that the heart of who I am is good. That I was put here to be the best ME I can be. To embrace why I am the way I am. To letting go of others expectations of how, or who, I “should” be. To not compare myself to others….even Earl! 

Yes, even my husband! Everywhere we go everyone says: “Earl is so sweet, he’s so sweet. He’s just such a sweet guy.” 

At times my “blabber brain” starts! You know the voice…the one in you head. It never seems to stop. I can hear that “blabber brain” voice: “Why don’t people think I am sweet?”

Shut up voice. 

Oh, But that’s not so easy. How many of you have heard you must stop your negative self talk, turn off the inner critic? Heck I once believed that too. We know now that by 30 years of age, the brain isn’t changing that dramatically unless something dramatic happens. 

“You mean I will always be a self-fucking critic Ann?” 

Yep. Me too.

BUT, I do not have to live by it. Neither do you.

You get it- some days it is so freakin’ hard! There are just days where others quietly challenge who you are. And the VOICE shows up again. And blabber brain just gets so damn loud.

And those are the days I am least happy. Least fulfilled. Least satisfied. 

You feel it too.

See, I can make different choices even when the VOICE tests me. Critiques me. Creates self doubt. That’s why in my programs for women, especially retreat, I teach my “Warrior Method” for getting what you desire in life, while being you. Sweet isn’t me…it’s Earl, and I love that I’m spicy! The process I use personally, and teach other women, allows me to choose a best path. Even when my inner critic shows up, as it undoubtedly will. Then I can acknowledge its presence, and still become. 

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Self-Worth comes from being able to get through being rattled. To find and embrace the heart of YOU…to indulge in what you know is great about you…no matter what they say. No matter what your brain says.