Remember when you were little and you were given the opportunity to make a wish? I bet, like I was, you were told to not tell anyone your wish or wouldn’t come true.

When I was a little girl I started collecting wooden nutcrackers. I’d seen the Nutcracker ballet commercials on TV, and was fascinated. I always wanted to see it. I made a wish, and a promise to myself that I would only see a live ballet. Well, at least the first time!

Fast forward many decades, and I still have not seen the Nutcracker ballet live. And guess what? I haven’t told anyone that I ever wanted to see it.

“Don’t tell anyone if you want your wish to come true.”

Earlier this year we were having dinner with friends and our birthdays came up, because my husband and I celebrate the half-century this year. Mine is just a few weeks after his. Some friends asked: “what do you want to do for your birthday?“

I said I wanted to play dress up, and go into the city and see the Nutcracker ballet. My friends bought tickets -no questions to ask! And in just a few weeks, we are going to dress up and spend the night in the city. We will have cocktails at the Top of the Mark (where we got a suite) prior to the ballet. After we will have a late dinner at The Big Four.

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Wishes do come true when you ask for them. Wishes do become real when you share them with others. Stop keeping them a secret!