When looking for more love in our lives we have to pay attention to what we project to attract it. I meet women who say they REALLY want a loving man like I have. They say they are ready. That they have so much to offer.

And then you observe what they project.

👉🏼They might talk about how every good man is taken, or how they only seem to meet “jerks”.

👉🏼Or maybe on social media they continually post about how much they hate their job and want to quit.

👉🏼 SoMe even share with friends and coworkers how unhealthy and unhappy they are.

👉🏼Others bitch about their weight or aging.

👉🏼Then there is that tendency to belittle themselves: not that smart, not that pretty….

None of these project that you are love. That you desire love of yourself. These things even attract exactly what they aren’t looking for. I watch one woman on Facebook do these kinds of posts several times a day. Recently, she actually even posted she wants lasting love but cannot find a great guy, and not sure where to look.

It’s time to look within. To project love….of yourself.