Every emotion, including anger, vibrates energetically. We can consciously connect to it, and move and transfer it anytime, anyplace.

I believe with awareness we understand that we can choose to connect to any emotion and transfer energy. I believe I control how I react and act energetically.

With wisdom, most of us learn this to be true.

One time I had a woman in a group setting transferring the most angry energy. It was permeating the entire room. People sitting near her were leaning away. The room, dampened. It seemed next day she left. The room changed. It filled with love, laughter, support.

Was she aware of her energy? And did if so, was she choosing it? I so hope not.

My challenge was I couldn’t overcome it. If you have been in a room with me, you KNOW how strong my energy is. How I can flow through a group of people. I could not get my loving, powerful energy to blanket over hers and put it out.

Now I must consciously work to improve my abilities.

Are you aware of your energy?