Have you learned to love yourself enough to find your face, hands, feet, ah…your NAKED body….beautiful? Sexy? Strong? Powerful? A temple?

Are you proud of your curves, bumps, lines and wrinkles? Your color and tone, your hair and freckles? Have you taken the time to undress, completely, in the light, and LOOK at your body with love and acceptance?

I work VERY hard on this. Being raised by a culture that thinks skinny and big boobs is beautiful, I thought that was the deal. Well, I am not that. Big boobs, yes, lol, but there’s way more to my body. I admire my sister and aunties and the culture I married into. They love their bodies, all shapes and sizes. And they show it off!

And no, a woman isn’t wounded when she shows off her body…she just loves it! And that strengthens self-love.