Why You Might Not Be an Introvert

Why You Might Not Be an Introvert

It seems more and more people say: “I am an introvert.”

“I am such an introvert I don’t like talking to people.”

“Oh Ann, I could never speak in front of groups, I am too introverted.”

Introversion was originally just the way a person re-energized. It meant that you were best energized when alone, in a quiet space. Extroverts are energized by being around people, even if not talking.

I am an introvert. After speaking, I need alone time to re-energize.

These days it seems like anyone who struggles with social engagement is introverted. I believe that many people just haven’t learned good social interaction. We are too reliant on our IM, PM, email, social media to engage others. We no longer know how to do that.

But that isn’t introversion.

My Personal Challenge with Healing Energy

My Personal Challenge with Healing Energy

I’m a big believer in energy and the flow and movement of energy. I understand that it is also connected in my body and I must be willing to heal that flow. I would prefer Eastern medicine techniques over Western medicine techniques, however I’ve had a personal challenge with Eastern techniques.

I feel that the modality leaves me hanging after they “clear“ the energy. For example, acupuncture has the belief system that pain is caused because nerve energy is no longer sending a signal to the brain to heal. After a session when he says: “yes I saw it release and reconnect,“ I often ask: “what should I do to help that connection?”

There is no response.

Shouldn’t there be something I can do after the session to help improve that connection?

I’ve had the same experience with energy workers over the years. They “unblock” my energy flow. I can feel it. It’s zooming through my body, almost an out of control feeling. And again when I ask what to do, there is no response.

I guess I need a more holistic approach?! I’m just not sure what that looks like.

Self Care is the Highest Form of Self Love

Self Care is the Highest Form of Self Love

As busy women, we can often forget to take care of ourselves. Heck, I even see women so busy that they don’t eat breakfast because they’re taking care of everybody else! Being able to recognize the importance of caring for yourself, above all others is key. Because when you are your best, you are better for everyone you want to care for.

I run a retreat for women that I adore doing. As the intuitive leader of the event, I put all my strength, love and energy into holding the container where they breakthrough, love more, and learn to be their best selves. I always remember before going to take care of myself, and nurture ME to be ready to do what I do at that retreat.

This last one I forgot to do it coming home. I ran errands on the way back, I prepared for cooking meals when I got home, and I woke up the next day completely worn out. Almost lifeless and used up. I had scheduled a video interview for that day and I knew I wasn’t going to make it.

I LOVE my retreat, please don’t misunderstand. Sometimes you give everything to something you love….as long as you know how to self love.

That’s when we have to know to reach out and ask for what we need and then take care of self. I did exactly that and feel completely rejuvenated. Do you love yourself enough to know when to take care of yourself?