What to Blog About: 3 Tips for Entrepreneurs

What to Blog About: 3 Tips for Entrepreneurs

Blog!What to blog about is a continuous question! It’s probably one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs. You get it. You read my previous blog on the numbers. Intellectually you want to blog. And then you go to write something and the mind goes blank.

That is why in my Confidence and Content Creation program I show people a very easy way to always have content, on a weekly basis. I also show them how to repurpose that same content for bigger visibility online, and how to use it in their automated system.

What do I teach them? There are three ways to think about content:

1. Tell stories. Stories work and connect from a marketing standpoint.

2. Use what I teach to my COMPEL. Speak. Sell MasterMind clients and develop your BBR. Your Bad-Assery Branded Resource is your organized system that you can constantly share information from.

3. Think about what your clients or potential customers ask you about and write those blogs.

I’ll throw in a bonus tip, look at what your competitors write about and do your version of it. What’s really important here, you need to stand out as an expert with an opinion in order to really increase leads and sales. Don’t just regurgitate what other people say. It is though a great way to get ideas, especially if you haven’t developed your BBR as yet!

What to Blog About: 3 Tips for Entrepreneurs

4 Reasons Why Blogging is Better Business for Entrepreneurs

I have said it forever, “If you do one thing, blog!” Back in 2008 I started “Blogger Monday with Ann Evanston.” It first started on Twitter, and as it grew we moved it over to Facebook. The goal was all about blogging, creating a community of bloggers, and sharing that support. The phenomenon of blogging has not changed.

Guess what? I still say that to my clients. Blogging is the cornerstone of your content strategy. If you write blogs you can turn them into long term nurture strategy in your auto responder. You can turn them into content to share with customers as well! AND they will become the TOP organic traffic driver to your website!

Blogging though is critical from a visibility standpoint. Here are 4 reasons why blogger leads to better business:

  • 77% of people on the Internet read blogs.
  • Websites that have blogs also have 434% more indexed pages and search engines.
  • 61% of US online consumers have made a purchase based on reading a blog.
  • Small businesses that blog generate 126% more leads.

I’m always telling my clients there are two goals; generate leads and close sales. So it’s time to start blogging! It’s a powerful strategy that helps you have content that is valuable across multiple marketing strategies. This is what I love doing in my mastermind Compel Speak Sell, showing you how to simplify the content you need and how use it in multiple places to increase leads and sales!

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What you are Charging SUCKS and that’s why You are Broke

What you are Charging SUCKS and that’s why You are Broke

Yeah, I said it. I can though, because it did it to myself!

When working with creative intuitive entrepreneurs just like you, I put each client through a pre-work assessment. It’s a series of 40 questions (don’t be scared, you will learn a ton about yourself and where your business needs to grow) that allow me to best know where, and how help you.

One of the first questions is; what do you dream about earning in your business? It’s a powerful question to really think about; per day, per month, per year, what is it you really want to bring in?

Later in that same question I ask what you sell and for a cost breakdown. You know what I’m going to say next, right?

The numbers just don’t add up.

Most creative entrepreneurs are killing themselves to make money. I’ve worked with the client whose dream was just to make $5000 a month but she was charging $47 an hour for her very specialized work.

Okay, I know you’re doing the math. And you’re thinking “but Ann, that’s only 100 hours a month! Corporate employees work way more than that!”

True, corporate employees just go do a job and get paid.

Entrepreneurs have to do what they love to get paid and then do the job which is the business. We have to market, and sell, and be visible, and do finances, and scale our business! That’s where the real work comes in. And if you really don’t know what your worth…

OK, you have another choice… hire somebody to do it.

That is why, for me, helping you see your true value, helping you be able to step into a place where you are charging what you’re truly worth matters. I find that most people are only charging $47 an hour because they struggle with owning their worth. In my MasterMind, step 4 is about how to build your brands sales and TRULY step into a price you deserve. Are you ready to earn MORE and feel really great about it?

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What you are Charging SUCKS and that’s why You are Broke

Are you an Entrepreneur or Just a Hustler?

With 18 years an entrepreneur, I understand the hustle that it can turn into. Constantly working to make a buck! You passionately love what you do so you get on that roller coaster and keep earning. You finally make enough to pay your bills, you sigh in relief, and ease back a bit from what you’re doing.

I remember that roller coaster, and I thought it was the way being an entrepreneur was. Then one day I had a real epiphany. I’m really just somebody that goes out and hustles for a buck to make my bills, not a business owner and entrepreneur.

Ouch! That was a very painful moment for me.

Then I did a reality check and had to ask myself, do I really want to be a business owner or do I just want to be a hustler? Trust me, you HAVE to as an entrepreneur get your hustle on. EVENTUALLY you have to as an entrepreneur build a sustainable business.

In that moment of realizing that I wanted to truly take what I love to do and earn what I deserve and earn it in a credible and easy way I knew the answer. I bet you feel the same way sometimes!

Then I looked at what I really needed to do to be successful. I had to put some systems in place, and get organized! And guess what? It worked. I now EARN with EASE.

You might be thinking that putting systems in place is hard. Trust me, it’s not!  There is an easier way. And now I teach it. All the blood sweat and tears I put into figuring it out I have simplified in a  system that you can replicate and truly still be you and do you!

Here is what Kerry Hargraves said about learning this for her business success!

What you are Charging SUCKS and that’s why You are Broke

Embracing your Shadow

Once a month, I run a Meetup that is focused on women entrepreneurs. It is a special place, because we “MasterMind”. (I LOVE MasterMind, you know that correct?!) There are two different events, one based more on your work and the other based more on the person you are. I personally think they are deply connected.

I intuitively channel a question for the group, and sometimes I am compelled to write about the topic of the Meetup. At Women Wine and Wisdom, I asked a specific personal question that we each answer in the room. The question was “what is your shadow, the demon voice that you deal with in your life?” Answers ranged greatly from; control, perfectionism, understanding and knowing their value, not seeing their value, being lazy, to having a mean voice! Each woman shared about her shadow, that voice in her head and her she battle with it in her life and success.

At the end of Mastermind round I ask women; what did they notice about the answers? What did they take away from it? Sometimes that’s too deep of a question right in that moment! We really get REAL and RAW and share in a special way (not a place for people who like to fake PERFECT!) Usually I have something compelling and powerful to say…this time I didn’t.

I woke up the next day realizing there was something quite amazing in the discussion.

What I realized is that if we don’t learn to embrace our shadows we actually struggle more in life. It isn’t about making them go away it’s about learning how to know utilize, understand, and embrace them.

For me this is absolutely true. Do you embrace the shadow, the dark, demon side of yourself? Or ignore it?