Self Care is the Highest Form of Self Love

Self Care is the Highest Form of Self Love

As busy women, we can often forget to take care of ourselves. Heck, I even see women so busy that they don’t eat breakfast because they’re taking care of everybody else! Being able to recognize the importance of caring for yourself, above all others is key. Because when you are your best, you are better for everyone you want to care for.

I run a retreat for women that I adore doing. As the intuitive leader of the event, I put all my strength, love and energy into holding the container where they breakthrough, love more, and learn to be their best selves. I always remember before going to take care of myself, and nurture ME to be ready to do what I do at that retreat.

This last one I forgot to do it coming home. I ran errands on the way back, I prepared for cooking meals when I got home, and I woke up the next day completely worn out. Almost lifeless and used up. I had scheduled a video interview for that day and I knew I wasn’t going to make it.

I LOVE my retreat, please don’t misunderstand. Sometimes you give everything to something you love….as long as you know how to self love.

That’s when we have to know to reach out and ask for what we need and then take care of self. I did exactly that and feel completely rejuvenated. Do you love yourself enough to know when to take care of yourself?

The Simplest but Still the Hardest Practice for Great Self-Worth

The Simplest but Still the Hardest Practice for Great Self-Worth

Stepping into our personal power and owning our self-worth is often a struggle. The key to self-worth is the relationship that you have with yourself. In understanding that definition, the simplest thing to practice becomes clear.

In order to have great self-worth, and shattering confidence (let me be clear: I am not speaking about being cocky!) one must simply do this:

Stop worrying if other people like you or not.

When we get caught up in whether others like what we say, or do, or act, even laugh or dress, we are placing our worth on others and then it isn’t self-worth anymore. You lose yourself trying to be with everybody else want you to be. You will begin to second-guess yourself. You feel disappointed and let down.

The only way to have great self-worth is to know that when you make choices for you, people who truly like you will show up. The ones who don’t like you you won’t worry about anymore.

The Reflection in the Mirror

The Reflection in the Mirror

Mirrors confuse me. I can look at myself and one mirror and think my hair looks great. And then I see it in another mirror on the exact same day, and it looks horrible! It’s true even in my own home. Why did I buy those mirrors that make my arms look wrinkly and fat!

Oh, my arms look pretty good, nice and defined ….that workout is working! (Different mirror.)

I remember once watching Shark Tank and a woman had invented a mirror that allowed a woman to look her best in it and wanted to sell it to clothing stores. The male Sharks thought it was a horrible idea and so fraudulent they just could not buy in. (But hair extensions, acrylic nails, push up bras….no problem!) Now I’ll tell you, I will take the mirror that makes me look good any day over the mirror that doesn’t!

My point is bigger than just the mirror you buy though. I have to choose to see me as the best me regardless of the reflection in the mirror. You have to know you are great inside, and on the outside. Frizzy hair day, flabby arms, bloated belly and all.

[Tweet “Choose to see your self as beautiful – inside and out.”]

The Power of Rewriting Your Stories

The Power of Rewriting Your Stories

My entire career has been about sharing stories as well as teaching others to share their own stories. It’s in drawing out stories, as well as listening to stories. Even more so, it’s been about teaching people how to change stories from their past so that their life is more of what they wanted to be.

I am always searching in my own life for stories that I need to rewrite and change. For example, last year I rewrote a story of being bullied as a teenager by a group of girls several years older than me. I realized that story had become a belief system for me (what I call a “truth”) where women were untrustworthy, mean, would lie to you, and stab you in the back. 

When you have stories like that, and they become your truth you live under that belief system. You will continue to fulfill the prophecy and attract that to you, over and over.

And I did with women. Over and over they proved my belief right. Until I rewrote the story.

👉🏼Do you have a story about being broke?

👉🏼What about distrusting men?

👉🏼Or maybe about being smart or pretty?

There is another part of uncovering your stories and that’s the positive side. We have stories that become our truths which lead to our purpose while we’re here. I recently uncovered what happened to make why storytelling so important for me.

[Tweet “Always believe that your story matters. It can inspire and heal others!”]

Knowing that drives me even further to continue my work, and motivates me to share more about stories. It excites me to see the alignment. It is why I am so passionate about the Unscripted eBook series, and having your stories. Email me to learn more.

Oh, you want to know my story to find my path? Maybe another post! LOL

A safe space to be you

A safe space to be you

I believe every woman needs a safe place to be themselves. I know we can often make the assumption that that is at home, but at home we have to step into our strength and power to keep it running affectively. Getting the opportunity to “let our hair down,” or be vulnerable, or just do nothing,  can be difficult in our home where we have so much responsibility. Hell, some days I feel guilty sitting down for too long!

I also believe that every woman needs a place to be witnessed. To share who she is in that moment. To share secrets, worries, frustrations. To ask for what she needs. Do do so without guilt or shame. 

Oh, that last one is so hard.

[Tweet “It feels so good to just be in a place where you are accepted. Exactly for who you are, and where you’re at.”]

I lead events like this for women. I love being able to hold the space, the container if you will, for women to re-energize and flourish because they have the safe space. And I recently found it for me. Yes, I love leading them, it is different.

It feels so good to just be in a place where you are accepted. Exactly for who you are, and where you’re at.

My Women’s Self-Love Evolution retreat is just that space. 

Why I get up at 4:30 am

Why I get up at 4:30 am

4:30 AM. That is when our alarm clock goes off during the week. Oh don’t get me wrong I’d rather sleep in a little later, LOL!

We get up and instantly put on our gym clothes and go to the gym. We get in about 45 minute workout before heading home so Earl can get ready to go to work in time to catch his train into the city.

I am really excited when the alarm goes off at 4:30 AM. But when we walk out of that gym about 5:40 AM, I feel great!

My brain is focused, I am energized, and excited for the day.

The point of the story isn’t how early you get up. The point is what you do to energetically set the tone for your day. See, I find if I just roll out of bed slowly…wake up slowly…my day is slow.

[Tweet “So what do you do to get up and set focused, energized, excitement into your day?”]