Desire is so incredibly important to have success. I find that many entrepreneurs think they have it. But do you? Really? In a previous blog on Obtaining Strong Desire I shared important insight into what desire really is. I also promised I would share with you the five things, mindsets, which I believe it takes to truly have it. As you read these rate yourself: how strong is your mindset?

  1. You must know your purpose. Your WHY. WHY is more than “pay my bills” or “feed my family.” WHY is about your calling, what put you on this earth. Most entrepreneurs I work with have this part. They know their true calling, their purpose for being here. YAY! We got this part. What else does it take to have strong desire?
  1. There can only be Plan A. Your purpose, your organized knowledge must be your primary focus EVERY Now, I get it, some of you are completely afraid to quit Plan B and just go for it. If that’s true though, Plan A is where your energy and effort is every day. Your desire to make it successful overrides “tired”, “not enough time”, and other responsibilities. Having strong desire means you will (not must) spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day, every day on Plan A.
  1. You have to believe with everything in you that you deserve success. Yes, I have talked about the fear of success before. If somewhere in you, you don’t think you deserve it, your desire isn’t strong enough. And I am planning MORE on this….coming soon, so stay tuned!
  1. You know that there are parts of creating business success that you have to shift your thinking about (negative autosuggestion) because they are necessary for your business to thrive. For example, marketing, budgeting, speaking, sales…not necessarily your purpose huh? But necessary if you want that purpose to make money! I recently heard a woman call that stuff “mundane” (negative autosuggestion.) I have heard others say they hate it, or it’s a necessary evil. Those negative autosuggestions will DRAIN DESIRE. Shift your language around them.

For example, I have such strong desire to achieve success that I see all of those things as a blessing, an opportunity, and the catalyst to being what I am meant to be in the world. It is so much easier to do those things when you shift your thinking.

  1. Fifth, and probably most important. My epiphany from Women, Wine and Wisdom that I mentioned in my previous blog. You have to be willing to NEVER SETTLE. Strong desire requires this. When you settle, the energy of “it’s good enough” destroys desire.

Now this is important: never settle isn’t about self-worth. It isn’t beating up on yourself. Never settle isn’t about perfectionism. Perfectionists fail to LEAP. People with a never settle mind set leap all the time. They do one simple concept I am known for:

Be at 10 then raise the bar and be a 10 again.

The concept of never settle means you are continuously looking at what you so passionately do and wanting it to be better. You are always asking yourself, what went well with….my marketing, presentation, blog post, webinar? What can be better next time?

These are the 5 things it takes to have strong desire. And you know what? It will be true for all areas of your life. This mindset applies to relationship success too. If you want a powerful, loving, amazing relationship you can never think “it’s good enough”. The desire to make it better (never good enough) will keep you from settling, will make sure you contribute, will encourage you to get what you need.

Build desire to grow rich. That’s what Napoleon Hill says. These 5 things are truly what separates me from others who struggle. Where did you rate yourself?