It pains my heart to see women being so judgmental of other women and choices they make in their lives. It isn’t our job, nor our duty to understand, or judge. We are meant to love them, whether we understand or agree with the choice.

My life is mine. I choose. You don’t have to agree. I just hope that as a woman you would want to be there, support me, accept me. 

So next time a woman makes a  decision you cannot understand, or you think is wrong…take a breath, and let it go…and hug her. In person or virtually. And if she changes her mind a few months or years later…take a breath, let it go, don’t tell her I told you so….and hug her.

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Yes, even if you morally disagree. Yes, even if she shared every horrible detail. Yes, even if you would never make that choice.

Life is hard enough as a woman without more hate from other women.