I am an alpha female without a doubt! I’m independent thinking, do things my way, don’t mind being in charge and have no problem speaking my mind! I am married to an alpha male. Which means he’s pretty much the same way, LOL!

As an independent alpha female, I have always believed that love is about two whole healthy individuals coming together because they’re the best selves they can be in a relationship. And the other person wants them to be their best self. I absolutely have that. I’ve realized though that the truest form of love does have a form of interdependence.

I realize being with my true love, we have a deep soul connection. When I am apart from him I feel differently than when I am close to him. Yes, I still feel the heartstring that connects us even when apart. I am a better me when he is close. Our energies are intertwined.


As an alpha female I do not want to feel that! And as somebody who loves being deeply loved, I love feeling it.

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