My first job out of college was working with abused and neglected teenage girls: sexually, physically and emotionally abused and neglected, drug and/or alcohol addicted, pregnant and/or parenting. Their world was defined by limiting beliefs. When I started developing self -esteem groups for them, I realized the power of what we tell ourselves. It’s everywhere! Now over 20 years has gone by and I still teach limiting beliefs. They are critical to building the Influence Factor in your life. Sometimes I think my clients think I am crazy when they sign up for the Social Networking Coaching Club and have to do a limiting beliefs activity with me! I do it with all my clients, it is even in my book, The Influence Factor

Even last weeks post was about our own limiting beliefs. My own limiting beliefs, and what I did to face some of them!

One of my corporate clients has recently asked me to take the first half of the Social Networking Coaching Club and turn it into online training on building a business brand. I am honored to do so, as they see that I teach so much more than “how to tweet”! I did this video to work with their 1099 contractors for the limiting beliefs section around building their business, and thought I’d share with you:

That last piece is so critical: Things that create negative emotion, that anger us about others, that fight or flight we often feel is often because of a limiting belief. Next time you feel that way about something ask yourself what the belief is that you tell yourself. You may be surprised.

For many of us, like the teenagers I counseled we did not first create those beliefs – others around us did, even if not intentionally. Eventually you have to own them though. For example, I remember growing up with a single mom who constantly talked about how BROKE we were. For many years I worked, and was broke. I worked harder and was broke. I worked more and was still broke. Until I realized that my moms voice had become mine. I worked to change it.

One technique I have taught when speaking is to tell the voice to STOP! But then, and this is very important, replace the voice with something new and powerful, or the old pattern creeps back in. I also wrote another blog about the power of I AM and how to rewrite those tapes

What limiting beliefs do you have that you want to change? What techniques do you use?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”