writing challenge, blogging, author, write

Fear or scared?

I was overwhelmed this week by the writing of many of the amazing people that took me up on this 30 day writing challenge. Honestly, that has taken on a “mind” of its own! I guess I thought on some level people would just check in and say they are on it and how it’s going. But many have decided to share what they are writing with the group. Many of them are fun or even special moments. Recently, there have been so many stories of despair, loss, grief, abuse, neglect and fear. I walked away from the group over whelmed with sadness, tears streaming down my face, wanting to heal their hearts and souls, to comfort their minds.
So many times I read: “remember FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real.” Well, not so much! If you are living the fear of loss, abuse, neglect, lies, secrets, finances- it is REAL. If you are living it by playing it in your mind, recreating the emotions you felt at the time, your body knows no different, it is REAL. No one could tell me that when we almost lost this house a SECOND time (once to a fire) that the fear I had wasn’t real. When I went through overcoming my abuse, I can remember waking up sweaty with fear. If someone had told me that was false evidence appearing real I would have felt even more confused and lost trying to heal myself and find who I am. That FEAR is REAL.
FEAR is real, but as I have said before, are you scared? That to me is the difference between a person that knows their voice and a person that does not. Being scared is a state of “not doing”. Scared comes from lack of movement. Scared is a place where you are paralyzed to make a change about what is happening.
See ,when working though my abuse, I wasn’t scared because I was healing. I felt fear, though. While busting my ass to save this house from foreclosure while my husband has been out of work, I felt a ton of fear. But never scared. I knew I was doing the things I needed to do. I had a plan, I was in movement.
Many people who feel fear then get scared. Next comes stuck. They are doing the things they have always done, over and over. No, that isn’t movement, that is activity. And when you are stuck you question so many parts of who you are. Somehow you start thinking it’s you that is the problem, and lose site of the core part of YOU that will help you through the situation. Each time you are stuck it happens again, more questioning and self-doubt. More loss of who you are.

I am so excited to write more for my book!

Want to read the 30 day challenge series?

Part one
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”