Relationships aren’t complicated. Yes, I’m serious! Relationships aren’t complicated at all! People are. Relationships are actually easy. Relationship is just about the state of being connected. Connected is a choice. At any time you can connect and create relationship. 

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At any time you can make a conscious choice and connect positively and the relationship is easy. At any time you can let go of what is frustrating about that person, breathe, find happy, and connect. You can also choose to stay in frustration. Stay in our logical minds rationalizing why you’re right, and they are a jerk.

This is true of every relationship. Especially the ones we choose to be in. And important in ones we have to be in.

Are you just reading, or did you connect? Can you take a moment, shift and connect with me the author? As you read? Can you do this on social media?

Now we are in relationship. Feels good doesn’t it?