Receiving unconditional love is a rare and precious thing. The realization of having it in my life has been so gratifying.

My husband loves me no matter what. He is my number one fan, and biggest champion. He believes I can do anything, and supports the things that I want to do 100%. His love goes deeper than that though.

He loves me when I’m dressed up and looking fabulous.
He loves me when I haven’t showered for three days!
He loves me whether I’m 150 pounds, 120 pounds.
He loves me with make up on, he loves me with make up off and he thinks I’m beautiful either way.
He’s loves me when I cook dinner, and he loves me when I say I’m not in the mood for cooking.

The love is unconditional.

Having unconditional love from someone else requires that your first unconditionally love yourself. I even went through this with my husband; he couldn’t love me that deeply when I was blocking it with my own self hate.

Where do you need to love yourself more so that you can receive the love you want?