Getting Results, Influence, and Why Emotion Matters

Getting Results, Influence, and Why Emotion Matters

I have been teaching influence and personal power to people all over the world since 2000. Interestingly, my husband recently said that it’s hard for him to rally around somebody’s ideas when they show no passion. 

I one-hundred percent agree. I am a big believer that influential people naturally have passion which attracts others to them. They possess an emotional intensity that attracts you to them, their ideas, and words. Don’t get me wrong, intensity doesn’t mean loud -it’s just an energetic force field you know is there.

[Tweet “Influential people possess an emotional intensity that attracts others.”]

Also though, influential people understand emotions behind why people act or react the way they do. And if you can’t deal with emotions of others it’s hard to get them to buy in, say yes, move forward and achieve results with you.

Do you think about emotions when influencing others?


Creating Circles of Inspiration

Creating Circles of Inspiration

I’m so excited about a “circle of inspiration” that I’m going to participate in! In its basic form, it’s the truest definition of mastermind. Napoleon Hill, who first used the word, stated that mastermind is: “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

There is true beauty in participating in a group like this.

First, there is no competition. Even if people are striving to achieve similar goals, the mindset of abundance and giving spreads deeply throughout the group.

Second, there is absolutely no shaming. You’re able to open up and express yourself, real and raw, and be accepted 100% for your choices. In the group support and encouragement is offered as well as insight to help you with choices you’re making. 

Third, you are challenged to achieve what you want, and more! It’s an amazing space for accountability along with the encouragement.

[Tweet “Find “circles of inspiration ” to encourage your best self!”]

I have for many years run a MasterMind for women entrepreneurs. I’m excited now I found a group of women to participate in one with me! 

Are you looking for a “shame free zone” to encourage and inspire you? You can learn more about my Entrepreneurs MasterMind retreat here. And this is my program for women only, check it out!

On Becoming an Authentic Professional Speaker

On Becoming an Authentic Professional Speaker

I think as speakers, our being open to the diversity of style is so important. I started speaking in the 1990s when the majority of speakers were white males, over 50 in blue suits. I was actually TOLD : “if you want to be successful you will wear a suit, with hose, and closed toed shoes. And do something with that hair.”

That’s totally unacceptable. The greatest speakers come from a real space. When I converted to my kick ass high heels, jeans and tank tops on stage everything changed for me. When I wasn’t afraid to let a swear word (or three) slip, greater audience connection happened!

I also remember an NSA phase. Every speaker had an acronym that became their motivational speech, and they all had the same business card design and presentation style. 

That becomes inauthentic. If it isn’t you, why do it…audiences saw through it, and it got tired fast. Some speakers are now even afraid to call themselves motivational after that!

[Tweet “If it isn’t you, it becomes inauthentic and others see through it.”]

Our world, especially with our young people, has drastically changed. How they speak, and how certain words can take back power, especially swear words are not dirty anymore. Hell yes! 

I am thrilled that I am surrounded with a bunch of open, diverse, dynamic event planners and speakers that embrace all differences and styles. Wow, that’s an amazing place to be! Do you embrace diversity when you see speakers, or have judgement on “what’s professional?”

Becoming an Influential Woman: What Networking Really Is

Becoming an Influential Woman: What Networking Really Is

The first step of truly becoming influential  is to build and nurture your network. The specific challenge for women has to do with how we believe a network is based on deep knowledge of the other person, almost intimacy. In many ways we feel if we don’t know the person very well, and can speak and vouch for them personally, we cannot consider them part of our network.

From an influencing standpoint this does more damage than good. It limits our abilities: to:

👉 be visible

👉 demonstrate credibility

👉 know experts that can solve a problem

👉 build value through wide networks

👉 increase opportunities 

 McKenzsey and Company did a study on how women successful women thrive. They found that women who understand that broader and more shallow networks are far superior actually increase opportunities and success.

[Tweet “Women who build broader, more shallow networks increase opportunities and success!”]

So what is the goal for women? To let go of the desire to know each person intimately in your network. That’s relationship building, which is a different strategy, for different reasons. This means find a memorable connection quickly with a person, and then practice a “keep in touch” mindset! 

Becoming Influential and Credible as an Entrepreneur

Becoming Influential and Credible as an Entrepreneur

I love giving my talk about #influence and personal power. I love sharing how important visibility is. Too often we think if we “do great work” they will notice. Not so true if you want to attract your tribe and buyers to your business and work. You must choose to be visible. And in this era, it’s even more important than ever toward your credibility. And maybe not in the way you think!

Back in the old days, LOL, we had to go out and get in front of people to be visible. The Internet just wasn’t where it was happening! To that point speaking (which by the way is still a top ROI marketing strategy) was an important strategy to grow your business. Back then we even said that the father away from home you were asked to go, the more credible you were. “Oh….she flew all the way from California to speak to us….impressive!” Visible and influential…from distance. Credible because I was asked to come a distance to share.

I recall a session with a client. She’s done amazing work in truly defining her tribe and purpose, knowing why she’s here and what she wants to do to change the world! And she’s been stuck. In our session I said: “you’re not visible therefore you’re not influential.”

“But Ann, I am getting speaking gigs and talking to tons of administrators about my work.”

“Awesome! And when they go online to research you as an expert, what do they see?

“Well I have my website, I’ve worked hard on it!”

Your website is a small part of the puzzle when it comes to #influence. Today, anyone can build a website …there’s a gazillion free places to do it. Anyone can make professionally designed graphics ….there’s dozens of free places to do it! Anyone can have a Facebook business page, a podcast, a radio show…..anyone….expert or wanna be.

Ultimately though you are influential because you show up in places that aren’t designed by you. You go the “distance”, like my speaking story, in new ways. You comment in expert group discussions on different social media sites. You show up for tweet chats based on your subject matter. You are a guest on a fabulous summit! You submit guest posts to other websites as a contributor. You get interviewed on major radio shows, TV, podcasts!

[Tweet “Go the “distance” and get visible!”]

This is just like the old-school practice of speaking far away from home. You build what we call “social proof”. When someone goes to look you and your work up online, you want to be EVERYWHERE. Suddenly you are influential and seen as the credible expert of choice! (This is a common limiting belief my clients have to overcome to get to the next level of success…is it yours?)

This is why I have created my Media Monday program, it’s a fun way to be accountable to your visibility while growing with other entrepreneurs! 

How to Become the Woman You Are Meant to BE: Creating Sacred Space

How to Become the Woman You Are Meant to BE: Creating Sacred Space

I have always been a “selfish woman”. At an early age I saw the value of taking care of myself to be better for others. Maybe it was watching my mom never really have a sense of the beautiful butterfly she really was. Having a selfish space and time for her “self” in her home was actually locked in the bedroom that she shared with her abuser. To this day I still don’t think she been able to claim her space as her own. Yes, she has her home, and is in it every day, it feels like a safe prison versus a space to nurture, grow and be creative. It isn’t a cocoon that allows for transcendence.

As I started my career out of college, counseling abused and neglected teenage girls, I learned about the importance of my own “Sacred Space”. My home was always this “cocoon” of sorts. It is a place to tuck away and “Be Selfish”. And as my career evolved and I worked with more and more women under stress, loss, frustration, and loneliness that space was very important.

But, like I share in my book, The Influence Factor, I had to Empower my truth to truly have a space that created my cocooning and transcending (like the butterfly). See, my “real life” stopped me from creating this sacred space. Not one, but two house fires, the destruction of space, of things with meaning all gone, led me to believe that “space” really did not matter, that things were not that important. Truly claiming my space was not important for many years of my adult life. I not unlike my mother had a safe prison, one that did not allow me to cocoon and transcend. That’s what the caterpillar does correct?

When I had to change this story forever. In order to become the woman I am meant to be in the world, I needed a space that was filed with beauty, energy, love, abundance. Getting in touch with the true spirit of “who” I am allowed me to create a space that was 100% all mine.

One cocoon is my home office. It is a glorious space full of light and natural wood and inspirational quotes and color. (Feisty Red is the primary wall color if you were wondering!) This room has changed my life and business tremendously! It welcomes me every morning. It encourages my creativity. It nurtures the speaker and coach in me. And selfishly, it is all mine.

So many women take their space and its purpose for granted. There is no conscious ritual to creating it. I live with intention in my entire home now. I have taken each room that thought about the parts of me that need to be nurtured in that space. I have done little things that allow me to walk into that space and be reminded of its intention. I have many sacred spaces in my home now. Each one that engage my senses, awaken creativity, allow me to BEcome. As I have transcended once again and work with sexy, bold, brilliant women wanting more in life…this was necessary!

Do you have a sacred space? A cocoon that energetically allows you to transcend?

Since 1997, I have traveled the world speaking to audiences of women about stress, owning their lives, being empowered and happy. I recall once teaching a seminar in Bath England. A woman came to me at the break wanting to speak privately, tears in her eyes. She shared with me a story of how lost she is, pulled in every direction in her life. Her manager, her husband, her mother, her children all seemed to take priority in her life. She wanted to take care of herself first for a change and wanted a resource to take with her, something that could help her learn to care for who she is. That’s why I am called again to bring my psychology of success and self-worth back to women once again. Today I meet women just like her. Beautiful, amazing women, with no place to call their own. That’s why Vivrant Woman was created.

The Vivrant Woman program will allow you to find YOU I all that is your life.

If you are a woman like me who has always created space for yourself, this is still for you. Each of you will discover a path to creating a deeper level of self-love and nurturing. Each of you will find a way to change your life and live with purpose….even every day.

Are you ready to transcend? There is power in having an external space that creates that intention. That cares for the deepest part of who you are. Be Selfish. I believe every woman should. Greater self-love and nurturing leads to greater other love and happiness, and you deserve it. You deserve nirvana and happiness. I am sharing Vivrant Woman with a group of women currently, the branding is coming, more writing about the process to truly transcend will be in my blog as well.

Curious? Want to be a part? Email me!