Hugging: A Spiritual Warriors healing

Hugging: A Spiritual Warriors healing

I truly believe that Hugging is a Spiritual Warriors healing.

I have always been a great hugger. As a matter fact in elementary school my nickname was huggy, LOL! I know that sounds crazy right! What was your nickname though when you were in elementary school?

I believe in big strong hugs. My husband is always said that he’s never been a fan of patters. You know the people that “kind of” hug you and in A-frame and then pat you on the back and break away quickly? I guess I realized over the years I never really am a fan of them either.

Hugging is a spiritual warriors healing because it is a powerful energy connector when we take the time to be conscious and do it. To embrace somebody and the pour your positive energy through that hog even if for just a couple seconds can be life-changing. And for the spiritual warriors healing connection is important because we so often “go it alone.”

I’ve made a concerted effort over the years to always hug people like that even when I don’t know them. I run my Women Wine and Wisdom mastermind in my home once a month and even new women who come receive a big strong powerful energetically healing hug when they arrive.

Even at business networking events I hug people like this. I think entrepreneurs often need that hug. Of course on occasion I meet somebody who still imposes their A-frame barrier hug on me but I grab them and pour my energy into them. Often I think many are surprised when it happens, LOL! I find though is that the majority settle into that hug and embrace what they are feeling.

I am meeting many spiritual warriors healing online these days, and I can even hug them via online! Yes, I believe in that power, do you?


I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you gave your heart on stage and not one client signed up. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) in exchange for payment.
Receive what you Deserve: 3 steps

Receive what you Deserve: 3 steps

receive what you deserveDon’t you want to receive what you deserve? I do!

The world is truly an amazing place. I 100% believe in the law of attraction and abundance. Of course I have to put in the action to receive correct?

When you finally get clarity about what the “hell you sell”, and you develop it and organize it in a way that makes sense to others the universe floodgates just open up! I like many of my clients, as a creative, idea generating, intuitive entrepreneur have so many ideas and things that I could sell and can do. But that doesn’t mean I should be!

And having the confidence to truly just draw the line and own what it is you do is the first step to receive what you deserve. Last year was that year for me. I had to create the clarity and confidence in what I do. I had to feel the fear of not selling it easily yet. I had to start saying NO to something that I was good at doing but didn’t passionately love and turn down work that would make me some money but not ultimately fill my passion and desire. And this year I’m stepping out with that true clarity, and guess what? The floodgates are open. Actually in  a half an hour just a couple days ago I received three emails from people wanting to work with me (coaching, closed 2 in 1 to 1 Consultation Calls) and two emails for speaking engagements that are actually paid (not ones where I have to speak for free and then sell back of room)!

Wouldn’t you LOVE that? To receive what you deserve?

It comes with how clear you are in what you do. And here’s the catch:

Most of you think you are clear but that clarity is only in your mind.

The buyers do not see your clarity.

This was my struggle and I would network and speak and was told how inspiring I am and still the sales weren’t coming. That is because until you get clear you do not create cash.

And it is possible for highly creative intuitive service based entrepreneurs like me who love what they do to be clear and still be creative and intuitive! How? You have to organize your knowledge and the ability and experience, that’s the second step. It’s actually pretty simple to do, what I work with in my Confidence and Content Creation program.

What are the 3 steps that transcended my success and I now guide my clients through the process to receive what you deserve?

1-Own what you know and sell–GET REALLY CLEAR

2-Organize what you own and sell in a way that makes sense to your buyers.

3-Share what you do in an organized way when you speak, network or market!

Are you willing to own a process that will allow you to receive what you deserve?

I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you did not own your worth and it stopped you from achieving something in your business. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) in exchange for payment.
Receive what you Deserve: 3 steps

Being a Spiritual Warrior-Preneur: Helping others

spiritual warriorThe journey of becoming a spiritual warrior! Being a Warrior is not just about fighting, that is a common mistake people make huh? The journey of becoming a spiritual warrior is one of the most powerful ones.  Would you be willing to help a fellow businesswoman if she was in need? It’s an interesting question, because I think most of us the answer would automatically be a resounding “YES”. If the opportunity The universe recently provided me with an opportunity to reach out and be supportive and create success for another businesswoman.

A current high-level client of mine is going through some tremendous health issues. She is very sick surgery and is in her future as well as long-term treatment. As a young woman on the cutting edge of what she is doing it is devastating to see her have to put her business and life on hold for her help. Rightfully so, her Health takes priority of course.

Interestingly, the stress of clients who have paid her, money already spent, is compounding her ability to heal as she deals with her health. As a spiritual warrior, I simply offered to provide solutions. I asked her how can we WOW these customers right now so they don’t feel like you are making them wait. At first she said she did not know what help to ask for. I offered suggestions. And then said, I am NOT asking for payment. I am just wanting to help another Warrior-Preneur when she most needs it. We know her clients understand. Right now though, they are ready to makes changes in their lives and work. In a matter of 15 to 20 minutes we were able to figure out powerful and creative ways that we can reach out to her clients, I can support her and wow those customers.

Would you be willing to do that? Offer a coaching session, design a logo, offer an online class that you have, do a group call…for FREE… if it helped a fellow businesswoman out?

I’m deeply saddened by how ill she is and pray every day that she will be well and come back the feisty fierce woman I know she is. Tears come to my eyes thinking about that. Yet the joy I feel and being able to give some of my time and resources absolutely for free so that she has a win in relationships with people and her business is huge.

That is the journey of a spiritual warrior.


I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about your journey becoming a spiritual warrior. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) in exchange for payment.
Receive what you Deserve: 3 steps

Finding Myself: A Warrior’s Journey

a warrior's journeyA Warrior’s journey starts withIN. My journey, as well as the journey of so many clients I have worked with has LESS to do with what they do and MORE to do with finding themselves. I use a timeline technique with many of my clients to help them look at their lives and how their Warriors journey has created who they are and what might hold them back from their true unlimited space and potential.

When I look back at my journey I realize that being strong versus being vulnerable makes sense. We moved a whole lot when I was a kid. I mean a lot! Like every year until I was in the fifth grade. And then it was sixth-grade, middle school, high school, college, still moving and changing, at a slower pace, granted. But I never had the consistency of familiarity that many have growing up.

For me it just didn’t make sense as a kid to get too close to anyone, because I knew I’d have to move on. That for me built up a strength, a way of protecting myself that made it easier to deal with the situations at hand. But now as an adult often people see it is hard, or unbreakable, or not willing to share.

A warrior’s journey starts by going within and  understanding this.

What’s interesting is that I have a very special relationship in my life now, my husband. And having someone that I can open up with and be myself on such a real level is amazing. He loves every part of me all the edges all the curves all the good all the bad! He made me realize that the more I show of myself the more love there is around. Okay, it’s not like we had a therapy session and he made me realize that, building this relationship has allowed me to realize it in myself!

Now I am working on being more vulnerable, sharing the struggles, the things that scare me…SCAREY and good at the same time…opening up how I feel to others that I used to never let in.

I have started, in my Women, Wine, Wisdom MasterMind, and with clients. The break throughs seem unreal (but that’s another blog).

Do you struggle with vulnerability, have you looked at your life and your introspective journey as to why who you are has created lessons for your life and passion? Might this be true for you?

Hugging: A Spiritual Warriors healing

Own Your Worth: A Lesson

own your worthIn my “Creating Confidence and Content” program I am honored to teach people what it means to own your worth. I have a phrase I am known for saying, “stop chasing nickels to make a dime!” I don’t care what kind of business you are in, selling a bar of soap, or a coaching service–> if you are chasing a nickel to make a little bit more money you will never make the money you deserve.

Yes, I said deserve. Not need, not want, deserve. And if you have confidence and you own your worth, you know you deserve it.

I work with several clients who make soap and one assignment I give them to get them to the next level is to write regularly for me. Yes I give all my clients this assignment, my soapers more resistant than others, LOL! Recently, a client who’s been working with me for eight months, had her wake up call. The alarm goes off at 4:30 AM on a cold Saturday morning, and she is rolling out of bed to go to the farmers market to sell her soap. And guess what? (4:30, cold Saturday morning, already a wake up call, got it *wink*) Guess what though? She averages between $100 and $200 at that farmers market.

No you do the math: she gets up at 4:30; so work has started…think about her hourly wage here…she packs her car, she drives to the market, she hauls the stuff to her vendor area, she unpacks it, makes it look pretty, she talks and gets a few dollars and sells few bars, she loads it back up  into her car and drives home 3 PM….or later

To make between $100 and $200. Hmmm….

Now her wake up call was about something else I say ALL THE TIME: “your job is to market and sell. This made her realize why…time IS MONEY. I think when you own your worth, it is easier to say yes to the things that accumulate wealth, versus work almost 12 hours for $100-$200.

What can get in the way from your ability to own your worth?


I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you did not own your worth and it stopped you from achieving something in your business. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) with 3 friends in exchange for payment.
Hugging: A Spiritual Warriors healing

Bad-Assery: Time to Transcend

influential voice, bad-asseryWow it’s amazing when you step into your unlimited space and potential the Bad-Assery opportunities that can happen!

I chose to go completely outside my circle to meet different people and step into a space of greater wealth and attraction than I currently have ( and I do alright by most peoples standards! 6 figures for many years.) and it was amazing. Being around people who are really making it happen, not just hoping for it to happen. Being around people who are stepping to the next level in their businesses and not afraid to invest and make the changes they need to make. Being around people who hear what you’re doing and have a dialogue with you because they are not threatened and you can learn from each other and grow at the same time.

My energy just flowed into space like that it was so exciting to be around. I am the potential that was in that room. I deserve the greatness that was around me.  I saw the next level of Bad-Assery. Amazingly, what has happened for me is I have truly transcended where I was, versus just transforming. That night in my room I cried. I shredded away something that needed to be let go of.

Many of us go to workshops, of events, retreats, or even read books and publications and we feel we transform on some level. We are inspired to change, to do things differently when we get back to work. And then we get back to work and we transform to the way we were before we were at that event.

See for me transformation is like a chameleon you can transform to one way and you can also transform back to the way you were.

It’s time to transcend where you are at. Transcendence means that you can be in the space that you are in yet you are never the same again. I have transcended the space I was in 2013, and I will never go back to the way I was. That is Bad-Assery.

And then it dawned on me that I have always done: shown women how to transcend their space and potential. I was a youth counselor right out of college working with abused and neglected teenage girls, and I know I have transcended their lives. I have worked with pregnant women, women in prisons, I’ve served on leadership boards and committees, and I’ve watched people transcend through a step-by-step process with me, and they have transcended. I have always done this work. And I own that work now.

Are you ready to transcend, to truly be the Bad-Assery you are meant to be? Or do you keep just transforming and then often going back to the old version of yourself that you no longer want to be?